字词 | 知识产权滥用行为 |
释义 | 知识产权滥用行为【英】abuse of intellectual property译文来源http://www.gov.cn/english/2008-06/21/content_1023471.htm 例句1. 但是,从总体上看,我国知识产权制度仍不完善,自主知识产权水平和拥有量尚不能满足经济社会发展需要,社会公众知识产权意识仍较薄弱,市场主体运用知识产权能力不强,侵犯知识产权现象还比较突出,知识产权滥用行为时有发生,知识产权服务支撑体系和人才队伍建设滞后,知识产权制度对经济社会发展的促进作用尚未得到充分发挥。——《国家知识产权战略纲要》 1. However, China’s intellectual property regime still needs improvement. The quality and quantity of the self-relied intellectual property still can not meet the demands of economic and social development; the public awareness of the importance of intellectual property is comparatively weak; the capacity of market entities to utilize intellectual property is not very strong; infringement of intellectual property is still a relatively serious problem; there are still some cases of abuse of intellectual property; the intellectual property service and support system and training for all types of intellectual property personnel lag behind its development; and the role of intellectual property in promoting economic and social development needs to be strengthened.—Quoted from Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy |
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