

字词 工业化




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 86.


工业化(industrialisation)通常被定义为工业(特别是其中的制造业)或第二产业产值(或收入)在国民生产总值(或国民收入)中比重不断上升的过程,以及工业就业人数在总就业人数中比重不断上升的过程。工业发展是工业化的显著特征之一,但工业化并不能狭隘地仅仅理解为工业发展。因为工业化是现代化的核心内容,是传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变的过程。在这一过程中,工业发展绝不是孤立进行的,而总是与农业城市化和服务业发展相辅相成的(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5401329-5638943.html)。狭义的工业化,有代表性的是《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典》中的定义,制造业和第二产业在国民经济中比重及其就业比重不断上升的过程。广义的工业化,有代表性的是张培刚提出的定义,一系列基本生产函数连续发生变化的过程,不仅包括工业部门的发展,也包括“工业化了的农业”的发展,这与一般只强调工业自身现代化的工业化定义明显不同。工业化是一个世界性概念。只有在商品生产有了一定程度发展的基础上形成了世界市场,并且一切国家的生产和消费都具有世界性的情况下,才会有工业化过程;衡量一个国家的工业化程度,也只能在和世界各国的横向比较中进行。工业化是一个历史性概念。在人类历史上,工业的发展已经历过三次科学技术革命,每一次科学技术革命都不同程度地推进了工业化过程;随着科学技术的不断进步,在不同的历史时代,工业化又必然具有不同的内涵。工业化是一个整体性概念。工业化是一个国家整个国民经济中工业发展程度,与世界上先进的工业发展程度相比较的指标体系,而不是工业中某一部门、行业或某种产品的工业发展程度(via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/工业化)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5401329-5638943.html
[2] via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/工业化


1. 由于俄国资产阶级的软弱和俄国的迅速工业化,无产阶级成了唯一真正的革命力量。由此得出的结论是:俄国社会民主主义应以直接建立工人政府为目标。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:80

1. Owing to the weakness of the Russian bourgeoisie and Russia’s rapid industrialisation, the proletariat was the only really revolutionary force. The conclusion was that Russian Social Democracy should aim for an immediate workers’ government. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 86.

2. “快感”可能并不是最恰当的词语,但是至少可以说工业化——尤其是它的早期阶段——给吸引着人们的英国社会带来了一种“兴奋”(excitement)感,即使它确实造成了大量的个人痛苦。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:171

2. ‘Enjoyment’ may not be the most appropriate word, but it is at least arguable that industrialisation, particularly in its earlier stages, communicated a sense of excitement to English society that drew people in, even if it did involve a large amount of personal suffering. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 110.

3. 这是一种新的空间布展。在德波看来,都市化进程其实发生于工业化的初期,即使是落后的工业不发达地区,城市的空间建构一样是以同样的形式“到处涌现”的。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:133

3. This is a new spatial deployment. Debord argues that urbanization in fact took place in the beginning of industrialization. The spatial construction of the city invariably emerges everywhere in the same manner even in backward and industrially underdeveloped areas. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 190.


例句 1:
The relation between the Soviet philosophy of technology and it’s industrialization is very complicated, the paper attempts to think theoretically the origin of Soviet industrialization and the process of the industrialization in the period of Stalin and the deepening of the industrialization in the last period of Stalin from the point of the philosophy of technology, and tries to find out some inevitable relation between the Soviet philosophy of technology and it’s industrialization and then provide some useful experience and methods for the road to new industrialization of our country.

例句 2:
Mao Zedong in its industrialization under the guidance of thinking, leadership China people made a surge high and sweep forward industrialization construction, established a complete industrial system, laid the material foundation for broader for the sustainable development of industry in our country after the reform and opening up, and laid the theoretical foundation for the China char





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