

字词 实践人道主义


the practical humanism


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 259


实践人道主义是马克思在批判地继承历史上人道主义的基础上,运用实践的基本观点创立的一种新的理论形态的人道主义。它科学地揭示了人的本质、价值和社会历史发展的规律,指明了实现人道主义的正确途径和人类解放的正确道路,同马克思的唯物史观以及共产主义学说是完全一致的,是马克思的哲学世界观的重要组成部分(郭天海,2007:5)。马克思认为以往对于宗教的反抗所形成的人道主义只是一种理论上的人道主义,而对于私有制的扬弃使理论的人道主义成为一种实践的人道主义(宋铁毅,2012:14)。他在《1844年哲学经济学手稿》中这样写道:“正象无神论作为神的扬弃就是理论人道主义的生成,而共产主义作为私有财产的扬弃就是对真正人的生活这种人的不可剥夺的财产要求,就是实践的人道主义的生成一样;或者说,无神论是以扬弃宗教作为自己的中介的人道主义,共产主义则是以扬弃私有财产作为自己的中介的人道主义。”(马克思等,1979:174)。通过这句话我们知道,马克思明确地把共产主义称之为“实践的人道主义 ”,并把它同以往的包括费尔巴哈的人道主义在内的理论人道主义严格区分开来。实践人道主义以从事劳动等实践活动的现实的人而非抽象的人为出发点,以历史且辩证的方式实践地诉求人的解放、自由与全面发展,其致思路径在于从人道主义与共产主义内在契合的角度谋求人的发展与社会发展的一致,设定的实践主体现实地超越了以往个人“孤立”、“偶然”的状况。通过对资本主义生产生活的批判分析,马克思找到了工人阶级赢得自由时间以全面发展个性的现实途径(姚颖,2008:33)。


[1] 郭天海.简论马克思的实践人道主义[J].西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版),2007(2).
[2] 宋铁毅.人道主义的实践内涵[J].学术交流,2012(5).
[3] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)[M].人民出版社,1979.
[4] 姚颖.马克思哲学的实践人道主义视域[J].求实,2008(4).


1. 我觉得,列宁后来认为马克思主义哲学不是历史唯物主义,而是历史唯物主义时,他是正确的。后来,当海德格尔说,马克思真正结束了一切形而上学本体论时,他也从界外的一个层面读懂了马克思。可是,我们学界那些至今还在鼓吹非历史的实践哲学和实践人道主义的同志,真的读懂马克思的科学文本了吗?常言道,人一思想,上帝就发笑。面对我们这些“实践哲学”、“实践人道主义”者,马克思可能只有无奈地苦笑:150年了!——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:338

1. I believe that Lenin was correct in his later belief that Marxist philosophy was not historical materialism, but rather historical materialism. Later, when Heidegger said that Marx truly ended all metaphysical ontology, he was also understanding Marx at a level that existed outside this boundary. However, have those in our field who continue to advocate ahistorical practical philosophy and practical humanism truly understood Marx’s scientific texts? It is often said that every time man tries to think, God starts to laugh. Looking down on these “practical philosophers” and “practical humanists,” I can only imagine that Marx is laughing bitterly to himself, exclaiming: “150 years later and they still don’t understand!” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 259.

2. 这一解读模式,后来为前东欧的“新马克思主义”所承袭(如南斯拉夫的“实践派”和波兰学者沙夫的晚期人学理论)。在我们国内20世纪 80年代初的人道主义异化讨论中,包括今天我们一些论者的“实践哲学”和“实践人道主义”的文本中,都可以看到这一逻辑线索的直接显露。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6

2. This interpretive model was later inherited by Eastern European “Neo-Marxists” (such as the Praxis Group of the former Yugoslavia and Polish scholar Adam Schaff’s later humanist theories). In the course of the discussion on humanist alienation that took place in China in the 1980s, as well as the development of “practical philosophy” and “practical humanism” by several contemporary Chinese theorists, we are able to see the reemergence of this line of reasoning. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014 : xxiv.

3. 在那种泛化的对马克思主义的“两个凡是”的隐性解读构架中,凡是马克思恩格斯列宁说的都是对的。由此,《1844年手稿》在它问世之后被直接指认为西方人本(学)马克思主义和戈尔巴乔夫式的“类哲学”、“实践人道主义”的“新约”,也就顺理成章了。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:201

3. Within the pervasive and latent interpretive framework of the “two whatevers,” “whatever” Marx and Engels said is thought to be correct. As such, it is not difficult to see how the 1844 Manuscript was accepted as soon as it was published as fresh proof of Marx’s belief in Western Humanism, Marxism, Gorbachev’s style of “species-philosophy” and “practical humanism”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 149-150.


例句 1:
Althusser’s understanding of young Marx’s humanitarian theory is a serious misreading and misinterpretation Young Marx's humanitarian is not Ludwig Feuerbach i’s sense of “Abstract humanitarian”, but “Practical humanitarian”; It is distinguished from modem Enlightenment tradition, different from bourgeois ideology, which makes the transition of young Marx to mature Marx naturally; The scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism also contains humanitarian thoughts, to go against Marxist humanitarian means opposing Marxism.

例句 2:
The critique of French materialism and utopian socialist reveals the inevitable trend of modern society in the level of value, where Marx proposed “practical humanitarianism” to transcend the modern world and beyond the abstract humanitarian and the abstract naturalism of enlightenment.

例句 3:





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