

字词 多神教




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975:172.


 多神教相信有众多神灵存在,但各神的地位、神通、威力不尽相同,所受的崇拜亦不相等,信者可根据自己的需要随意选择特定的神灵加以崇拜。进入阶级社会后,多神教中亦出现了天阶体系,通常有一位至高主神居于天阶体系的顶端,作为众神之首。多神教崇拜的神灵,有的是自然体、自然力的人格化,如瑞(埃及宗教中的太阳神),乌拉诺斯(希腊宗教中的苍天神);或是拟人的动、植物,如玛雅宗教中的东方神库库勒坎为一有羽毛的蛇;或是将社会现象和力量人格化,如玛尔斯(罗马宗教的战神)、阿芙若狄蒂(希腊宗教的爱神)、阿胡拉·玛兹达(琐罗亚斯德教的光明神)。多神教一般都有一些具有特定职司的神灵,如行业神、民族或地区的守护神等。有时统治者被神化,作为崇拜的对象,如埃及法老、罗马皇帝。多神教主要有:希腊宗教、罗马宗教,埃及宗教、印度教、基督教,以及道教、佛教、神道教、阿兹特克宗教、玛雅宗教、印加宗教等(多神教.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3zN5XkWH_rGesI8AxqZdJdzdbeI3rm4ijvudCqjNCwWR0fUym6HgYMWkOfUALi561wHGz5vHhUL0RxjqxLC5xcYtuNTGgxUHpn-JQG0xT0iiOToYBD9ezyBwmaff7-db)。


多神教.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3zN5XkWH_rGesI8AxqZdJdzdbeI3rm4ijvudCqjNCwWR0fUym6HgYMWkOfUALi561wHGz5vHhUL0RxjqxLC5xcYtuNTGgxUHpn-JQG0xT0iiOToYBD9ezyBwmaff7-db


1. 因此,犹太人的一神教,在其现实性上是许多需要的多神教,一种连厕所也成为神律的对象的多神教。实际需要、利己主义是市民社会的原则;只要市民社会完全从自身产生出政治国家,这个原则就赤裸裸地显现出来。实际需要和自私自利的神就是金钱。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):论犹太人的问题》,1960:448

1. The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in a pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3): On the Jewish Question, 1975: 172.

2. 他们的神话迄今为止没有批判地加以研究:他们已经给自己的宗教观念——各种精灵——赋予人的形象。但是他们还处在野蛮时代低级阶段,所以还不知道具体的造像,即所谓偶像。这是一种正向多神教发展的对大自然与自然力的崇拜。各部落各有其正规的节日和一定的崇拜形式,即舞蹈和竞技:舞蹈尤其是一切宗教祭典的主要组成部分;每一部落各自庆祝自己的节日。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:106

2. Their mythology has not yet been critically investigated at all. They already personified their religious ideas—spirits of all kinds—but in the lower stage of barbarism in which they lived there was as yet no graphic depictions, no so-called idols. It was a nature and element worship evolving towards polytheism. The various tribes had their regular festivals with definite forms of worship, particularly, dancing and games. Dances especially were an essential part of all religious ceremonies, each tribe performing its own separately. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 197.

3. 文章内容的大部分是对神和基督教的论战,观点同他以往的论战完全一样;之不过现在,当他智穷力竭的时候,尽管一再重复过去的空话,对唯物主义者的、依赖性仍然比较明显得多地暴露了出来。如果想要就自然宗教、多神教、一神教的陈旧论调说些什么,那就必须用这些宗教形式的现实发展来对比,为此首先必须研究这些宗教形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十七卷)》,1972:66-67

3. The main bulk of the article consists in polemic against God and the Christians, altogether in his previous manner, except that now that he’s run dry, and despite all his repetitions of the old drivel, dependence on the materialists is much more blatantly apparent. If one were to make any comment on the trivialities concerning natural religion, polytheism, and monotheism, one would have to compare them with the true development of these forms of religion, which means they would first have to be studied. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 38), 1982: 78-79.


例句 1:
By scrutinizing, we can find a definite relation of its origin: the carnival is derived from polytheism as well as the Christianity.

例句 2:
Orthodox is the Russia’s state religion that integrate the elements of orthodox and polytheism. 

例句 3:
It is thought that Russia is a nation with strong religious character and her religion is multiplex from ancient times to the present day. The main religion of Russia is polytheism from 10c.





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