

字词 培尔


Pierre Bayle


[2]Pierre Bayle. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bayle


培尔(Pierre Bayle,1647—1706),法国哲学家,启蒙运动的先驱,当时最有影响力的怀疑主义者,名著《历史与评注辞典》的作者。他出生于新教牧师家庭,先就读于加尔文派的学校,后在图卢兹大学和日内瓦大学攻读。1675年在色当担任新教学院的哲学教授。1681该学院被封闭后侨居荷兰,任鹿特丹大学教授。1693年被荷兰当局免职,专心从事著述。他以怀疑论为武器抨击天主教和新教,批判了整个十七世纪的形而上学。把理性与信仰、科学与宗教对立起来,指出想要避免理性的清楚结论是不可能的,宗教启示所根据的历史事实必须由理性加以批判的考查,哲学应当是皇后,神学只不过是婢女。当时的宗教神学以及为之辩护的形而上学是理性所无法说明、无法理解的,因而是荒谬的。“认为《圣经》是可疑的,奇迹是荒诞的。天主教没有理由迫害异教、异端、无神论者。反对路易十四(Louis XIV,1643—1715)的宗教迫害政策,主张宗教宽容。认为宗教与道德没有必然联系。信仰天主教,相信‘灵魂不死’和‘来世报应’的人可能是道德败坏者,而无神论者倒有可能是道德高尚之人。认为国家与宗教没有必然联系,一个由清一色的无神论者组成的社会是可能存在的,只要他们热心公共福利,约束罪犯,买卖公平就可以是一个理想的社会。由于对宗教持怀疑的立场,他转而对作为这种信仰支柱的形而上学表示怀疑。他反对斯宾诺莎的实体学说、莱布尼茨的神正论和‘预定和谐论’”(朱贻庭,2002:769)。主要著作还有《马克辛和笛密斯特的对话》(1707年)《哲学体系》(1737年)等 。




1. 费尔巴哈被授予“实体”的骑士的称号,为的是使鲍威尔的“自我意识”更加突出。在这个据说是由费尔巴哈的全部著作所证明了的费尔巴哈的新化身面前,我们这位圣者从费尔巴哈论莱布尼茨和培尔的著作一下就跳到了“基督教的本质”,并且跳过了“哈雷年鉴”中的反对“实证哲学家”的论文。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:91-92

1. Feuerbach is made into a knight of “substance” in order that Bauer’s “self-consciousness” shall stand out in stronger relief. In this transubstantiation of Feuerbach, which is supposed to be proved by all the writings of the latter, our holy man jumps at once from Feuerbach's writings on Leibniz and Bayle to the Wesen des Christenthums, leaving out the article against the “positive philosophers” in the Hallische Jahrbücher. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 97-98.

2. 此外,在西塞罗和培尔的论断中,有一个极其显著的特点必须立即指出。这就是,他们给伊壁鸠鲁加上一些彼此互相排斥的动机:似乎伊壁鸠鲁承认原子的偏斜,有时是为了说明排斥,有时是为了说明自由。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷:上)》,1960:32

2. For the rest, one peculiarity in Cicero’s and Bayle’s reflections is too obvious not to be stressed immediately. They foist upon Epicurus motives of which the one nullifies the other. Epicurus is supposed to have assumed a declination of the atoms in order to explain the repulsion on one occasion, and on another freedom. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 47.

3. 我认为这种矛盾之所以产生,是由于像西塞罗和培尔那样,把原子偏离直线的原因理解得太表面化和太无内在联系了。一般说来,在所有古代人中,卢克莱修是唯一理解了伊壁鸠鲁的物理学的人,在他那里我们可以看到一种较为深刻的阐述。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷:上)》,1960:32

3. I maintain that this contradiction arises when the causes for the declination of the atom from the straight line are understood so superficially and disconnectedly as they are by Cicero and Bayle. We shall find in Lucretius, the only one in general of all the ancients who has understood Epicurean physics, a more profound exposition. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 48.


例句 1:
Orchestral suite “Peer Gynt” is adopted from Grieg’s “Peer Gynt” which consists of eight wonderful music clips and is rearranged into two sets of orchestral works.

例句 2:
"Peer  gynt" mainly tells the story of a spiritual wanderer looking for self. Peer who is the son of a yeoman always fancy himself as the emperor, setting up the "only myself is enough" as his principle which is the mountain demon’s, he indulged his desire to commit a terrible crime in his hometown, which forced him to travel overseas after her mother's death. He experienced three self-seeking of identities' that include the wealthy, and the prophets and archaeologists, but there is still nothing to gain on self。In the end of the play, he was solved by love and religious forgiveness which comes from his lover Solveig who is very religious.

例句 3:





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