

字词 双重真理论(又作两重真理论、二重真理论)


doctrine of double-truth;double-truth theory


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1371.
[2] Double truth.via:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_truth


双重真理论指哲学真理与宗教真理相一致的理论。穆斯林哲学家阿威罗伊的观点,即通过理性和宗教都能通达真理的学说,哲学与信仰并不是矛盾对立的,在某些具体问题上,哲学(科学)和宗教可能发生矛盾,在各自的范围内,它们都是对的。12-13 世纪阿拉伯哲学和思想家伊本·鲁世德,非常重视理性在人的认识过程中所扮演的重要角色,双重真理论是他的认识论的特色。伊本·鲁世德从以下两方面证明了哲学的理性思维活动在证明和说明宗教哲学的信仰真理的合法性:(1)他认为哲学理性是一种思维工具。哲学理性究其本质而言就是逻辑工具。哲学家可以借助这种哲学理性工具来达到寻找宗教信仰真理的目的,所以,逻辑思维工具的理性,哲学家可以用,宗教教义哲学家也可以用;(2)运用矛盾律来攻击宗教哲学的“教义类比”。他运用亚里士多德的逻辑矛盾方法,诘问教义哲学家在思维方法上的虚伪性和保守性,从而大胆的揭穿了保守势力的宗教哲学家的宗教阴谋,所谓的信仰真理都是符合他们利益需要的私人真理,而非穆斯林信徒所真正需要的精神信仰的纯正真理(樊树勇,2016: 354)。他在《关于宗教和哲学之间的一致性》一书中指出,哲学是宗教的朋友,同胞姐妹,两者是结伴而行相亲相爱的。哲学和宗教带来的都是真理,真理和真理相辅相成,而非相悖相反。同时他又指出哲学和宗教各有其侧重点,信仰和理性是在不同的层面活动的。对于在习惯影响下而形成自己观点的众生来说,有一个绝对信仰的权威就足够了,他们只需使其信仰具有象征的形式。而“哲学的作用只不过是更多地去思考存在,并把存在看作造物主的一个证据”。哲学是沿着少数人所能理解的纯粹思辨的道路前进的,哲学家是吸收抽象的、根据推理得来的真理的人,这些人要求的是探讨未知的真理,哲学正能够指示他们去探索真理的道路。因此,哲学和宗教最基本的共同点就是涉及到存在的基础,都提倡思考和探求存在。双重真理说,认为哲学和宗教在原则上、结论上应当使人们得到同一真理,甚至哲学的真理要高于宗教的真理,其目的是使科学和哲学摆脱宗教的束缚而获得一定程度的自由(蔡德贵,1992: 61)。


[1] 樊树勇.伊本·鲁世德的认识论哲学思想[J].智富时代,2016(1).
[2] 蔡德贵.伊本·鲁西德的认识论和阿威罗伊主义[J].山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1992(2).


1. 因此,黑格尔在《现象学》的序言中关于这个专门术语问题的论述甚至比黑格尔本人当时意识到的更加正确,黑格尔说:“就像主体与客体、有限与无限、存在与思维等的统一体这个名词之不尽适当那样(因为客体与主体等等名词意味着在它们的统一体之外的客体与主体等等,因而当说它们在统一体之中时它们己不是它们的名词所说的那种东西了),同样,虚假的东西也不再是作为虚假的东西而成为真理的一个环节。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:45-46

1. Hegel’s statements about this problem of terminology in the preface to the Phenomenology are thus even more true than Hegel himself realised when he said: “Just as the expressions ‘unity of subject and object’, of ‘finite and infinite’, of ‘being and thought’, etc., have the drawback that ‘object’ and ‘subject’ bear the same meaning as when they exist outside that unity, so that within the unity they mean something other than is implied by their expression: so, too, falsehood is not, qua false, any longer a moment of truth.” -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: xlvii.

2. 全党同志必须坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,毫不动摇坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,坚持马克思主义的发展观点,坚持实践是检验真理的唯一标准,发挥历史的主动性和创造性,清醒认识世情、国情、党情的变和不变,永远要有逢山开路、遇河架桥的精神,锐意进取,大胆探索,敢于和善于分析回答现实生活中和群众思想上迫切需要解决的问题,不断深化改革开放,不断有所发现、有所创造、有所前进,不断推进理论创新、实践创新、制度创新。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:21

2. All Party members must follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, be firm in their commitment to socialism with Chinese characteristics and to the Marxist view on development, treat practice as the sole criterion for testing truth, and apply their historic initiative and creativity. We must be clearly aware what is changing and what remains constant in the international, national and Party situations. Never should we hesitate to blaze new trails, bridge rivers, forge ahead with determination, and audaciously explore new territory. We should have the courage and capability to address pressing issues in our work and remove doubts in people's minds, and come up with solutions. We should drive reform and opening up to a deeper level, make new discoveries, create new ideas, achieve new progress, and promote innovation in our theories, practices and systems. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 23-24.


例句 1:
Ibn-sina had his own knack in many philosophical problems, which contained apparent materialism tendency. He thought that the material was the eternal existence rather than created by Allah. On the basis pf adhering to knowablility and fully affirmation of the role of sensory, the “double truth” theory was founded and universals were regarded as a common form which opened up a new path in epistemology research.

例句 2:
Ibn·Rushed was the greatest philosophers of the Arab in the Middle Ages. He thought the truth was intellectual, people from individual to general, from perceptual to rationality; he inherited sagest, completed systematically the double truth, mediated philosophy and religion, and to enhance philosophy, emphasize rationality; his ideal society theory, although with several utopian composition, but some thoughts on today still have its theoretical and practical value.

例句 3:
欧洲中世纪哲学诸位贤哲, 针对理性和信仰问题, 围绕是“信仰权威”还是“理性权威





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