

字词 十二月党人




Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 31.




[1] 列宁.列宁全集(第二十八卷)[M].人民出版社,1991.
[2] 涅奇金娜.十二月党人[M].黄其才,贺安保译.商务印书馆,1989.


1. 我们纪念赫尔岑时,清楚地看到先后在俄国革命中活动的三代人物、三个阶级。起初是贵族和地主,十二月党人和赫尔岑。这些革命者的圈子是狭小的。他们同人民的距离非常远。但是,他们的事业没有落空。十二月党人唤醒了赫尔岑。赫尔岑开展了革命鼓动。——《列宁全集(第二十一卷)》,1990:267

1. In commemorating Herzen, we clearly see the three generations, the three classes, that were active in the Russian revolution. At first it was nobles and landlords, the Decembrists and Herzen. These revolutionaries formed but a narrow group. They were very far removed from the people. But their effort was not in vain. The Decembrists awakened Herzen. Herzen began the work of revolutionary agitation. –Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 31.

2. 把1905年俄国的军人起义和1825年十二月党人的军人起义对比一下是特别有趣的。在1825年,领导政治运动的几乎全是军官,即由于在拿破仑战争期间接触到欧洲的民主思想而受了感染的一些贵族军官。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1991:324-325

2. A comparison of these 1905 mutinies with the Decembrist uprising of 1825 is particularly interesting. In 1825 the leaders of the political movement were almost exclusively officers, and officers drawn from the nobility. They had become infected, through contact, with the democratic ideas of Europe during the Napoleonic wars. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 245.

3. 赫尔岑就是这些子弟中的一个。十二月党人的起义唤醒了他,并且把他“洗净”了。他在19世纪40年代农奴制的俄国,竟能达到当时最伟大的思想家的水平。他领会了黑格尔的辩证法。他懂得辩证法是“革命的代数学”。他超过黑格尔,跟着费尔巴哈走向了唯物主义。 ——《列宁全集(第二十一卷)》,1990:261-262

3. Herzen was one of those children. The uprising of the Decembrists awakened and “purified” him. In the feudal Russia of the forties of the nineteenth century, he rose to a height which placed him on a level with the greatest thinkers of his time. He assimilated Hegel’s dialectics. He realized that it was “the algebra of revolution”. He went further than Hegel, following Feuerbach to materialism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 25-26.


例句 1:
Lotman studied and analyzed the social thoughts and culture of 18th century and 19th century especial on the thoughts of December party’s creation thoughts.

例句 2:
十九世纪俄罗斯发生的一系列重大历史事件,如 1812 年抗击拿破仑入侵取得胜利,1825 年十二月党人事件,1861 年农奴制改革等,促使了俄罗斯民族的觉醒,也造就了俄罗斯艺术的繁荣。——《觉醒与繁荣》,东南大学硕士学位论文,2006
A series of historic incidents occurred in Russia in the 19th century namely the victory against Napoleon’s invasion in 1825, the Incident of Decembrist in 1825 and the reform on serfage in 1861 not only stimulated the awakening of the Russian nation but facilitated the flourishing of the Russian art.

例句 3:
The late Russian socio-economic and political situation in the nineteenth century, major changes in the Great Patriotic War of 1812 and after December partisan movement, the Russian society, culture and thought has gone through a baptism, and then to overthrow the feudal serfs system, along with the spread of the progressive ideas of nationalism in Europe, the creati





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