

字词 劳动强度


intensity of labour


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 284.


劳动强度是单位时间的劳动量,包括肌肉能量和神经能量的付出。这是一个综合性的指标,应既反映劳动者的生理负荷,又反映心理负荷(朱武寿,卢伟华,2007:60),具体来说主要包括:(1)劳动者主观感觉的紧张性、疲劳性和痛苦性。一般来说,人们在劳动过程中所产生的主观感觉越紧张、越疲劳、越痛苦,其劳动强度就越大。(2)劳动过程所完成的工作量密度。工作量密度是指单位时间内所完成的工作量。人们工作量密度越高,其劳动强度就越大。马克思在《资本论》第一卷第一篇,在谈到衡量商品价值量时明确指出,社会必要劳动时间是在现有的社会正常的生产条件下,在社会平均的劳动熟练程度和劳动强度下,制造某种使用价值所需要的劳动时间。正如决定商品价值量不是以个别劳动时间而是以社会必要劳动时间为标准一样,考察劳动强度也不是以个别劳动强度,而是以“社会平均劳动强度”为标准(徐久刚,夏慧玲,1987:28)。在资本主义制度下,提高劳动强度,是资本家提高对工人的剥削程度,榨取更多剩余价值的一种重要方法。由于工人阶级的长期不断斗争,迫使资产阶级国家规定工作日的长度,资本家不能任意延长劳动时间,因而他们更多地依靠提高劳动生产率和劳动强度来提高剥削程度。起初,资本家主要靠提高机器运转速度,扩大工人看管机器的数量,从而增加体力劳动强度的办法,来增加剩余价值的数量。随着科学技术的发展,特别是自动化技术的采用,工人的体力劳动强度可能有所减小,但脑力劳动的强度则可能大量增加,因而生产的剩余价值更多,工人受剥削的程度更深。在社会主义制度下,发展生产的主要手段是不断提高劳动生产率,而不是靠延长劳动时间和提高劳动强度(劳动强度.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=d-wb92LSM-oO641POPmdQWS0UCdT-F0sF-B4KbkpvGFb-0G5Z89_SRZBs54sHqABQEXvq-o155z_e2YD5Zzv2_)。


[1] 朱武寿,卢伟华.关于国内外劳动强度研究的综述[J].北京体育大学学报,2007(1).
[2] 徐久刚,夏慧玲.论劳动强度及其发展趋势[J].经济问题,1987(8).
[3] 劳动强度.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=d-wb92LSM-oO641POPmdQWS0UCdT-F0sF-B4KbkpvGFb-0G5Z89_SRZBs54sHqABQEXvq-o155z_e2YD5Zzv2_.


1. 劳动也是按照经济学家们那里的样子被盲目地接受下来的。不仅如此,洛贝尔图斯虽然也用两句话提到了劳动强度的差别,但是劳动还是非常笼统地当做“成为代价的东西”,从而也就是衡量价值的东西提出来,而不问这个劳动究竟是不是在正常的社会平均条件下付出的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:212

1. Labour, again, is taken uncritically in the form in which it occurs among the economists. And not even that. For, although there is a reference in a couple of words to differences in intensity of labour, labour is still put forward quite generally as something which "costs", hence as something which measures value, quite irrespective of whether it is expended under normal average social conditions or not. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 284.

2. 即使是同一生产部门内的两个工人,他们在一个工作小时内所生产的产品价值也总是随着劳动强度和技巧的不同而有所不同;这样的弊病——而且只有象杜林先生那样的人才会把它看成弊病——不是任何经济公社,至少不是我们这个天体上的任何经济公社所能消除的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:219

2. If we take two workers, even in the same branch of industry, the value they produce in one hour of labour-time will always vary with the intensity of their labour and their skill—and not even an economic commune, at any rate not on our planet, can remedy this evil—which, however, is only an evil for people like Dühring. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 187.

3. 一旦手工业者整天不断地从事同一种操作,这些空隙就会缩小,或者说会随着他的操作变化的减少而趋于消失。在这里,劳动生产率的提高,或者是由于增加了一定时间内劳动力的支出,也就是提高了劳动强度,或者是由于减少了劳动力的非生产耗费。就是说,每次由静止到运动所需要的力量的额外消耗,为已经达到的正常速度在较长时间的持续所补偿。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:378

3. These gaps close up so soon as he is tied to one and the same operation all day long; they vanish in proportion as the changes in his work diminish. The resulting increased productive power is owing either to an increased expenditure of labour power in a given time—i. e., to increased intensity of labour—or to a decrease in the amount of labour power unproductively consumed. The extra expenditure of power, demanded by every transition from rest to motion, is made up for by prolonging the duration of the normal velocity when once acquired. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 346.


例句 1:
In the wage system, the difference of workloads can be embodied in different working hours, but not in energy consumption and intensity of labor.

例句 2:
The reasonable classification of physical labor intensity is an important guarantee of the worker’s health and reasonable incomes.

例句 3:
During tunnel construction at high altitudes, construction crews often encounter an oxygen deficit and their labor intensity is different than when they are working in normal-altitude (plain area) tunnels.





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