

字词 刻卜勒(又名开普勒)


Johannes Kepler


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:96.
[2] Johannes Kepler. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Kepler


约翰尼斯·开普勒(1571—1630),杰出的德国天文学家、物理学家、数学家。开普勒于公元1571年出生在德国的威尔德斯达特镇,后就读于图宾根大学,1588年获得学士学位,三年后获得硕士学位。在图宾根大学毕业后,开普勒在格拉茨研究院当了几年教授。1596年开普勒在宇宙论方面发表了第一本重要的著作《宇宙的神秘》。在其中他明确主张哥白尼体系,同时也因袭了毕达哥拉斯和柏拉图用数来解释宇宙构造的神秘主义理论。1630年他于雷根斯堡去世。开普勒发现了行星运动的三大定律,分别是轨道定律、面积定律和周期定律。这三大定律可分别描述为:所有行星分别是在大小不同的椭圆轨道上运行;在同样的时间里行星向径在轨道平面上所扫过的面积相等;行星公转周期的平方与它同太阳距离的立方成正比。这三大定律奠定了近代物理学的重要理论基础,也使开普勒获得了“天空立法者”的美誉(盛辉,成良斌,2004:65)。同时开普勒对光学、数学也做出了重要的贡献,他研究了针孔成像,并从几何光学的角度加以解释,并指出光的强度和光源的距离的平方成反比。开普勒也研究过光的折射问题,他于1611年发表了《折光学》一书,最早提出了光线和光束的表示法,并阐述了近代望远镜理论,他把伽利略望远镜的凹透镜目镜改成小凸透镜,这种望远镜被称为开普勒望远镜(开普勒.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=XaQkIquPDxTIWJMi-NRo9VdkgX5b2siP7NQU5-qBYlDX2EaWd6pFym6SwFOCh1a_i5RE94cw2WGoDdORabKZxJc0xQCdDUmUkgWjoCymdk2DwdbHmXMYBq0Lu1vesjAy)。


[1] 盛辉,成良斌.开普勒科学发现认识论意义及评价[J].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2004(3).
[2] 开普勒.via:


1. 有一个爱好虚构的思辨体系,但思想极其深刻的研究人类发展基本原则的学者一向认为,自然界的基本奥秘之一,就是他所说的对立统一[contact of extremes]规律。在他看来,“两极相逢”这个习俗用话是伟大而不可移易的适用于生活一切方面的真理,是哲学家不能漠视的定理,就像天文学家不能漠视刻卜勒的定律或牛顿的伟大发现一样。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第九卷)》,1961:109

1. A most profound yet fantastic speculator on the principles which govern the movements of Humanity, was wont to extol as one of the ruling secrets of nature, what he called the law of the contact of extremes. The homely proverb that “extremes meet” was, in his view, a grand and potent truth in every sphere of life; an axiom with which the philosopher could as little dispense as the astronomer with the laws of Kepler or the great discovery of Newton. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1979: 93.

2. 文学和语言完全衰落了;神学僵死的说教;在其他科学领域内德国也退化了,但是有时也发出些闪光;雅科布·伯麦(未来哲学家的先驱者),刻卜勒,莱布尼茨。重新从现存的、实在的事物中进行抽象。巴赫。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十八卷)》,1964:651

2. Literature and language utterly degenerate; theology wooden dogmatism; in other sciences Germany also in a state of degradation, yet rays of hope: J. Böhme (again, a sign of the philosophers to come), Kepler, Leibniz—again abstraction from the existing, the real. Bach. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1988: 602.

3. 最后,在太阳系的天文学中,刻卜勒发现了行星运动的规律,而牛顿则从物质的普遍运动规律的观点对这些规律进行了概括。自然科学的其他部门甚至离这种初步的完成还很远。液体和气体的力学只是在这个时期末才得到更高的研究。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:363

3. Finally in the astronomy of the solar system Kepler discovered the laws of planetary movement and Newton formulated them from the point of view of the general laws of motion of matter. The other branches of natural science were far removed even from this preliminary perfection. Only towards the end of the period did the mechanics of fluid and gaseous bodies receive further treatment. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 321.


例句 1:
This article mainly inspects the work motive of Copernicus and Kepler. The faith of the harmony of universe impenetrated all of their lives.

例句 2:
Based on prototype, the most basic concept to understand the universe, the paper discusses the evolution of the view on prototype from Aristotle’s two sphere-model of the universe, to Ptolemy’s Aristotelian view of prototype, to Copernicus’s prototype theory and cosmological revolution and to Kepler’s nonscientific and mysterious yet rational view of prototype. It probes into the meaning of various prototypes and their differences and similarities in different historical periods and clarifies the path of the Western astronomy growing out of metaphysics and into modern astronomy.

例句 3:
This paper cite an example of Kepler’s application on analogy model to analyze the feature of early modern science, then reveal that the character of analogy model is





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