

字词 市民阶级


civil class; middle class; burgher


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:121.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 76.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 228.


市民等级中的一个阶层。它是资产阶级的前身。中世纪市民等级包括手工业者和商人等,随着生产力的发展,其中一部分富裕的行东变成剥削雇佣工人的资本家,他们在同封建主争取城市独立和自主权的斗争中,成为市民等级的利益的代表,被称为市民阶级。后由于他们的生存条件的发展,发展成为资产阶级(市民阶级, via:http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx)。“市民”一词,来源于德语burg,即“城市”一词,在中世纪欧洲许多国家,都是指全体城市居民而言。而在14-15世纪,“市民”一词,已经失去从前的含义,仅指富裕市民而言,即后来资产阶级的前身。他们在政治上处于无权地位,既想摆脱封建主的压迫,又不满城市贵族的独揽大权。程洪等人认为贸易恢复使得封建化的西欧社会也来不及功能适应而导致了独立的市民阶级及(城市公社)的产生。十字军的第三次东征需要大量钱财,向城市出售特许状成为筹措军费的手段,于是大量城市得到了宝贵的特许状,获得了独立,居住于其中的市民阶级也就成了继僧侣和贵族之后的新的特权等级——即所谓第三等级。他们也具有特殊的法律地位,不受普通法的约束(程洪等,2000:56)。


[1] 市民阶级.via:http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx
[2] 程洪,罗翠芳.试论中西16世纪商业资本的不同命运[J].武汉教育学院学报,2000(5).


1. 在中世纪,每一城市中的市民,为了保护自己的生活,都不得不团结起来反对农村贵族;商业的扩大和交通道路的开辟,使一些城市知道了另一些捍卫同样利益、反对同样敌人的城市。从各个城市的许多地方性居民团体中,逐渐地、非常缓慢地产生出市民阶级。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:60

1. In the Middle Ages the citizens in each town were compelled to unite against the landed nobility to defend themselves. The extension of trade, the establishment of communications, led separate towns to establish contacts with other towns, which had asserted the same interests in the struggle with the same antagonist. Out of the many local communities of citizens in the various towns there arose only gradually the middle class. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 76.

2. 现在我们的圣师从神圣的市民阶级转到施蒂纳式的“唯一的”无产阶级(第148页)。这样的无产阶级是由“骗子、罪犯、盗贼、凶手、赌棍、无正当职业的穷人和轻率的人”组成的(同上)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:219

2. Our holy church father now passes from the holy middle class to the Stirnerian “unique” proletariat (p. 148). The latter consists of “rogues, prostitutes, thieves, robbers and murderers, gamblers, propertyless people with no occupation and frivolous individuals” (ibid.). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 201-202.

3. 由于德国人和奥地利人都有一种可怜的地方局限性,由于哈布斯堡王朝具有一种同这一切相适应的小商贩性质,所以这种企图没有成功。哈布斯堡王朝没有得到整个德国,只是得到了德国南部的一些土地。当时在那里,不是在同分散的斯拉夫各民族直接进行斗争,就是德国封建贵族和德国市民阶级共同统治着被压迫的斯拉夫各民族。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:194

3. The attempt failed because of the pitiful provincial narrow-mindedness of both the Germans and the Austrians, and because of the corresponding petty commercial spirit of the Habsburg dynasty. Instead of the whole of Germany, the Habsburgs obtained only those South-German lands which were in direct conflict with the isolated Slav tribes, or in which a German feudal nobility and German burghers ruled jointly over enslaved Slav tribes. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 228.


例句 1:
The ideal public sphere for Habermas is “bourgeois public sphere”, or a liberal public.

例句 2:
西方法治作为一种强势文化,一直倍受关注,然而,究其原因,却意见纷呈,本文以为,西方法治产生的深层根源在于西欧中世纪国家和社会之间的独特社会架构—“市民社会”,具体表现为,城市管理为现代民主积累了丰富的管理经验;城市契约开创了民主宪章的先声;市民阶级的形成滋生了现代法制的主体;市民阶级的争权运动确立了现代法律的权威;市民阶级的交往和本性加速了法律形式化的形成。——“ ‘市民社会’—西方法治产生的历史根源”,载于《北京青年政治学院学报》,2005年第1期
There come much attention and various opinions on history of western rule by law, as a prior culture. The paper says deep history source of western rule by law lies in the separation of country with society—“civil society”. The factors of civil society contribute to western rule by law by city’s administer to experience in democracy, city’s contract to constitution on democracy, citizen-class to subject of modern law, movement for civil right to authority of law, and intercourse in commerce and citizens’ nature to law’s formalization.

例句 3:
It is widely accepted that the Enlightenment took shape in Ming Qing China. A distinction, however, is made about the Enlightenment between its narrow sense and its broad sense.





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