

字词 全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程


to carry out the great new undertaking of Party building in all respects; to press ahead the new task of Party building in all respects


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 15, 16.






1. 形势的发展、事业的开拓、人民的期待,都要求我们以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,全面提高党的建设科学化水平。治国必先治党,治党务必从严。为此,党的十八大提出了新形势下全面提高党的建设科学化水平的总要求和各项任务。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:14

1. The new developments, the need for progress in our cause and the peopled expectations have all made it imperative for us to carry out the great new undertaking of Party building in the spirit of reform and innovation, and upgrade our efforts in all respects to a new level. To run the country well we must first run the Party well, and to run the Party well we must run it strictly. The 18th National Congress stuck close to and fully reflected these basic requirements in making plans and arrangements for actions in various areas. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 15.

2. 党的十八大提出的党的建设总要求,既是着眼于继承和弘扬我们党90多年来保持和发展马克思主义政党先进性的根本点提出来的,又是着眼于顺应和应对新形势下世情、国情、党情的新变化提出来的。这些年来,我们全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,党的执政能力得到新的提高,党的先进性和纯洁性得到保持和发展,党的领导得到加强和改善。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:14-15

2. The overall requirements for Party building set forth at the 18th National Congress are derived from the need to inherit and develop the fundamentals that have shored up the advanced nature of our Party, a Marxist party, for over 90 years. They respond to changes in the world, in our country and within our Party. Over the years we have been pressing ahead with the new task of Party building in all respects. The Party has enhanced its governing capabilities, preserved and improved its pioneering nature and purity, and strengthened and improved its leadership. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 15-16.


例句 1:
New time after founding of the nation the Chen Yun incumbent party constructs the thought to conduct the thorough research and the study, to strengthen our party being in power ability party to construct, maintain our party's sophistication, further consolidate the party’s ruling status, achieve the historic mission of the Party, comprehensively promote the construction of the Party are the new great project of great practical significance, Provide beneficial model for the new time party building enterprise's further development.

例句 2:
Only the party members and cadres keep learning and improving their own quality and capacity,it is possible that strengthening the governance capability and vanguard nature of the party, improving the level of leadership and governance of the party,we can also promote the new great building project of Party in the spirit of reform and innovation in order to make the party a more strong leading role of





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