

字词 假象(又作外观,映象)


semblance; appearance


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 38) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1976: 98. 
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 264.


假象是指存在于人心之中的那些阻碍人们正确认识客观世界、从而获得真理性认识的心灵内部的障碍。培根在《新工具》中指出,由于人类心灵固有的癖性,会使人们形成成见和偏见从而导致谬误,从而严重妨碍了科学的复兴。“现在劫持着人类理解力并在其中扎下深根的假象和错误的概念,不仅围困着人们的心灵以致真理不得其门而入,而且即在得到门径以后,它们也还要在科学刚刚更新之际聚拢一起来搅扰我们,除非人们预先得到危险警告而尽力增强自己以防御它们的猛攻”(弗·培根,1986:18)。为此他根据这些假象的来源将其分为四种:族类假象、洞穴假象、市场假象和剧场假象。其中,“族类假象根植于人的本性之中,是人的心灵本身所固有的且只属于整个人类这一种族。其总体意思是说,人类在认识事物时,常把自己的本性混杂到事物的本性之中,从而歪曲了自然事物的真相。洞穴假象根源于个人的特性。由于每个人的心理和体质不同,所受的教育和成长的环境、 阅读的书籍、 崇拜的东西和习惯都不一样,这样在认识事物时,就难免从自己已有的经验和自己的一己之眼去看,从而不能全面地认识事物的面貌。市场假象是由于人们在相互交往和联系的过程中语言概念的不确定和语词使用不当而产生的思维混乱。剧场假象是由各种各样的哲学教条和一些错误的论证规则移入人心中而形成的。换句话说它们是由于人们盲目的信仰权威、教条和各种传统的哲学体系而形成的偏见,因此它不是人心固有的”(敖素,2001:12-13)。


[1] 弗·培根.新工具[M].许宝骙译.北京商务印书馆,1986.
[2] 敖素.弗·培根的假象论对后世哲学的影响[J].贵州大学学报(社会科学版),2011(4).


1. 是不是这样的意思:外观也是客观的,因为在外观中有客观世界的一个方面?不仅本质是客观的,而且外观也是客观的。主观的东西和客观的东西的差别是存在的,可是差别也是有自己的界限。——《列宁全集(第五十五卷)》,1990:82

1. Is not the thought here that semblance also is objective, for it contains one of the aspects of the objective world? Not only Wesen … but Schein, too, is objective. There is a difference between the subjective and the objective, BUT IT, TOO, HAS ITS LIMITS. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 38), 1976: 98.

2. 外观的东西是本质的一个规定,本质的一个方面,本质的一个环节。本质具有某种外观。外观是本质自身在自身中的表现(Scheinen)。——《列宁全集(第五十五卷)》,1990:110

2. That which shows itself is essence in one of its determinations, in one of its aspects, in one of its moments. Essence seems to be just that. Semblance is the showing (Scheinen) of essence itself in itself. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 38), 1976: 133.

3. 二重化为“本质的”和“非本质的”,这成为他的永恒的生命过程,因而也就成为简单的假象,就是说,他自己的生活连一个实际的存在都不是,而且因为它只存在于“纯粹的”反思中,由于存在总是在他和他的反思之外,所以他的力图把反思想像成为某种实体的东西,也成为徒劳。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:298

3. The division [into the “essential” and] the “inessential” becomes [for him a] permanent life process, [hence mere appearance,] i.e., his real life exists only [in ‘‘pure’’] reflection, is [not] even actual existence; [for since this latter is at every] instant outside [him and his reflection], he tries [in vain to] present [reflection as] essential. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 264.


例句 1:
The illusion of the market-economy leads to the moral wrong knowledge that selfish self-interest having a natural and moral legitimacy in the market economic activity. 

例句 2:
Schiller pointed out that the illusion is better than the reality, art is better than natural. To Schiller, the aesthetic illusion has a strict distinction. The highest and ideal illusion is a pure illusion, which must be upright, honest, independence, self-control and independent on all conditions. False illusion is only a way for people to reach the aim and its existence must be based on reality.

例句 3:
Sontag was not an intellectual who locks herself in her study room only doing research. On the contrary, she was a public intellectual and staunch feminist. She was actively involved in social affairs, using the pen as the gun, opposing any form of art and aesthetic hegemony. She criticized





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