字词 | 优势商品 |
释义 | 优势商品【英】competitive products译文来源http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/t1274296.shtml 例句1. 愿愿同南亚国家深化贸易投资、资源开发、环境保护、跨境旅游、国际运输、金融结算等领域务实合作,进口更多南亚各国的优势商品,争取未来5年将双方贸易额提升到1500亿美元,将中国对南亚投资提升到300亿美元。——《李源潮在第三届中国-南亚博览会开幕会上的致辞》 1. We will import more competitive products from South Asia in an effort to raise our trade volume to $150 billion and our investment in South Asia to $30 billion in the coming five years.—Quoted fromthe Address by Li Yuanchao at the Opening Ceremony of the Third China-South Asia Expo |
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