

字词 价值判断


value judgment


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 269.




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[2] 价值判断.via:


1. 马克思发现,李嘉图的经济学(劳动价值论)可以“以独特的方式”直接导向否定资产阶级社会制度的社会主义结论!这种社会主义不再是价值判断,而是从大工业中生长起来的现实。我认为,李嘉图式的社会主义经济学家的总体理论逻辑,恰恰对马克思此时历史唯物主义的哲学建构起了重要的促进和推动作用。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:348

1. Marx discovered that Ricardian economics (labor theory of value) could use “particular means” to directly lead to the socialist conclusion of direct refutation of the system of bourgeois society. This form of socialism would no longer consist of a value judgment, but would rather be based on the reality of large-scale industry. I believe that the overall theoretical logic of the Ricardian socialist economists exerted an important catalytic influence on the philosophical construction of Marx’s historical materialism at this time. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 269.

2. 言下之意,如果传统的循环时间“支持那种依个体和群体为生的”的社会存在,那么今天布尔乔亚的不可逆时间就是无生命的财富疯狂增长的历史时间。此间暗含了一个隐性的价值判断,传统社会中的循环时间再不好,毕竟还是人的生存的时间,而布尔乔亚的进步时间再华丽,却只是非人的物性时间,商品增殖的时间。所以,德波断言,资本主义社会中生产的不可逆时间首先是商品的尺度。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:123

2. By this he implies, if the traditional cyclical time “supports the social existence”, then the irreversible time of today’s bourgeois is a historical one with the fervent accumulation of non-living wealth. Here entails an implicit value judgment that however bad the cyclical time in traditional society is, it is after all a time of human, while the progressive time of the bourgeois, be it magnificent, is a non-human reified time, the time of proliferation of commodities. So Debord proclaims that in the capitalist society, the irreversible time of production is first and foremost the measure of commodities. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 178.

3. 康德主义的观点在两点上具有吸引力:首先,康德的学说认为“自在之物”是不可认识的;我们不能摆脱我们的思想强加于世界的种种范畴,这便使得任何唯物主义都带上了极端唯心主义的色彩。其次,也更重要的是,康德在事实陈述与价值陈述之间所作的区分,意味着他的伦理学既然被人们公认为独立于任何描述性的陈述之外,那就是要自成一体,从而能够合乎逻辑地与一种恐怕没有任何价值判断的庸俗马克思主义共存。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:31

3. Kantian views were attractive on two counts: Kant’s doctrine that it was impossible to know the ‘thing in itself’ and that we cannot get behind the categories our minds impose upon the world could give any materialism an ultimately idealist slant. Secondly, and more importantly, Kant's distinction between statements of fact and statements of value meant that his ethics was intended to be self-contained since it was thought to be independent of any descriptive statements. Thus it could logically co-exist with a vulgar Marxism supposedly devoid of any value judgments. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 36.


例句 1:
The history of European continental criminal jurisprudence reveals the extreme importance of value judgment. The four elements theory of plane-shaped criminal constitution in Chinese criminal jurisprudence needs to rebuild a hierarchical criminal system so as to make distinction between factual judgment and value judgment, and between illegality judgment and liability judgment.

例句 2:
To promote the specific knowledge transformation of Chinese criminal jurisprudence under the guidance of value-judgment methodology, it is far from being enough to recognize the de facto conditions and relations of an act and its outcome; it is also important to make an objective liability fixation judgment on “whose fault" has caused the occurrence of the outcome. We should examine in depth the acountability concept and link the theory of crime with the theory of criminal punishment with value judgment. We should also develop a theorem that distinguishes principal offense from the offense of duty.

例句 3:





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