

字词 价值中立性


value neutrality


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxii.




[1] 价值中立性.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=20BF_5dNup78wVmPJ7Yg0hMMBDjJDpKgJlRmPBJ_JpXflPKyUg_TVndA597gVC9hgQd2-y0m7WdmriP3GXBUbdQMRRYpEi_x9qjC87Fua_y16Hg05JTUAFg-SUBIkzNOdTLYMGtSwg7ank9myZcgQ_
[2] 肖昭理.论社会科学的价值中立性[J].河北广播电视大学学报,2002(4).


1. 第一个解读模式是西方马克思学的两个马克思的神话。所谓“马克思学”,是指并不信仰马克思主义,而只是将马克思的文献作为“客观的”历史文本对象的研究活动。其实,这种神目观式的价值中立只是一种意识形态的幻象。固然,“马克思学”正式挂名于20世纪50年代末,但这种研究倾向在西方很早就出现了。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:3

1. The first interpretive model, the Western Marxologie Model, proposes the myth of two Marxes. Here, “Marxologie” refers to the research conducted by scholars who do not believe in Marxism but who study its texts as “objective” historical sources. In actuality, this omniscient form of value neutrality is nothing but an ideological illusion. While “Marxologie” has existed since the 1950s, this research trend had already appeared even earlier in the West. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxii.

2. 显然,马克思再也沉不住气了,他再也无法容忍资产阶级经济学的这种无视劳动者死活的“价值中立性”(韦伯语),以至于不得不用人本主义哲学话语与社会主义政治立场来对抗经济学。这样,他终于打破了那种理论沉默。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:166

2. Apparently at this point Marx was unable to hold himself back any longer, he could no longer tolerate the indifferent attitude of “value neutrality” (to use Weber’s words) of the bourgeois economists towards the plight of the workers. Finally, Marx could not help but use the words of humanist philosophy and the socialist political position to oppose economics. Thus Marx finally breaks his theoretical silence. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 121.

3. 整个资产阶级意识形态就建立在这个涂满迷幻色彩的神话之上。后来的韦伯的价值中立、颠覆与马克思这里的理论建构有着直接的关联。韦伯正是从生产出发,从技术结构出发,即从物化的第一个层面出发,而有意去除马克思在更深层面所关注的物化和颠倒了的社会关系。从社会关系中超拔出来再重新回到物相,这正是一种新型意识形态的形成过程。韦伯的思路是技术现象经验论,必将导致工艺、工具理性、科技意识形态。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:527

3. The whole of bourgeois ideology is founded on this enchanting myth. Later, Weber's value neutrality and overthrow are directly linked to Marx's theoretical construction at this point. Weber proceeds from production, from technological structures, or in other words from the first level of objectification; he consciously eliminates the objectified and inverted social relations on which Marx focuses on a deeper level. A new ideology was formed as surpassing social relations and then returning to the level of material. Weber's line of thought represents the empirical theory of technological phenomena; it inevitably led to ideologies of technology, instrumental rationality, and science. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 415.


例句 1:
This paper interprets the deductive method, through the analysis of the financial crisis in the United States and its influence and structural power thought on the strange detail analysis and in-depth study, demonstrates the practical significance is strange "structural power" theory, and attempts to summarize the structure of the power of academic contribution, namely the structural power analysis to overcome the realistic power on the defects of international political power, its objective and comprehensive international political economics value neutrality is the realistic power politics theory a beyond.

例句 2:
From the angle of research, social science research object angle, sums up the integrity, individuality, value neutrality, value neutrality, non commensurability, no basic characteristics of commensurability.

例句 3:





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