

字词 二律背反




[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014:375.
[2] Antinomie. via: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Antinomie#German


二律背反是康德的哲学概念。意指对同一个对象或问题所形成的两种理论或学说虽然各自成立但却相互矛盾的现象,又译作二律背驰,相互冲突或自相矛盾。二律背反是康德在其代表作《纯粹理性批判》中提出的。在书中,康德列出四种二律背反,均由正题和反题组成。二律背反,指规律中的矛盾,在相互联系的两种力量的运动规律之间存在的相互排斥现象。自然界存在的两种运动力量之间呈此消彼长、此长彼消、相背相反的作用。在康德的哲学概念中,二律背反指对同一个对象或问题所形成的两种理论或学说虽然各自成立但却相互矛盾的现象,又译作二律背驰,相互冲突或自相矛盾(二律背反.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2679509-2829396.html)。二律背反的理论提出了理性思维中有矛盾的问题,但没有提出矛盾双方的统一与转化,并认为有限”、“无限”、“简单”、“复杂”这些说明现象界的知性范畴来说明自在之物的宇宙,是完全错误的。认为自由与作为最初原因的上帝是属于自在之物的,而现象界则具有必然性,不能从必然性证明上帝存在,因而自由与必然,有上帝存在与没有上帝存在可以存在于不同的地方,由此调和了矛盾。康德在《实践理性批判》中提出实践理性的二律背反,在《判断力批判》中又提出自然界中机械论与目的论两者的二律背反。(金炳华,2003:13)
 纯粹理性的二律背反的发现在康德哲学形成过程中具有重要意义,它使康德深入到了对理性的批判,不仅发现了以往形而上学陷入困境的根源,而且找到了解决问题的途径。康德将二律背反看作是源于人类理性追求无条件的东西的自然倾向,因而是不可避免的,他的解决办法是把无条件者不看作认识的对象而视之为道德信仰的目标。虽然他对二律背反的理解主要是消极的,但他亦揭示了理性的内在矛盾的必然性,从而对黑格尔的辩证法产生了深刻影响。(二律背反.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2679509-2829396.html)


[1] 二律背反.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2679509-2829396.html
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 其次,康德哲学是辩证法的另一个变种。这种辩证法也是想挑战这个世界,但它却是以主体与客体的痛苦离异为代价的。康德哲学将人的认识能力现定于此岸的客观现象之中,所以辩证法只有在主观的彼岸世界中被二律背反式地否定地达及。阿多诺认为这至多是一种辩证法的“无力的复兴”。 ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:13

1. Secondly, Kantian philosophy is a mutation of dialectics. It attempts to challenge the world at the cost of the separation of subject and object. Kantian philosophy restricts the cognitive ability of human beings to the objective phenomena of this world. Thus, dialectics can only be negatively and paradoxically reached in the subjective other world. Adomo interprets this is a "feeble revival" of dialectics. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 29.

2. 在第八章蒲鲁东使用了一个非常吓人的标题:“人和上帝在矛盾律下的责任、或天命的解答”。蒲鲁东还在大肆鼓吹,“社会的任务在不断地解决它的二律背反”。例如人的理性与无限的神性的矛盾,劳动与资本的矛盾(社会发展中二律背反)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:479

2. In the eighth chapter, Proudhon uses a frightening title: “Of the Responsibility of Man and Of God, Under the Law of Contradiction, Or a Solution of the Problem of Providence.” Proudhon proudly claims that “the task of society is to continually solve its antinomies.” For instance, society must solve the contradictions between man’s reason and his infinite God-like nature, as well as between labor and capital (the antinomies in social development). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 375.

3. 我们在看来是纯认识论的创造问题上,在关于“活动”主体,关于被统一地把握的现实的“创造者”的一系列问题上,所遇到的二律背反这时就显示了它自己的社会基础。普列汉诺夫的论述同样清楚地指出了直观的原则和(个体的)实践原则的两重性是通向这种二律背反的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:209

3. This throws light on the social reality underlying the antinomy which we encountered in the-seemingly-purely epistemological problem of production, in the systematic question of the subject of an ‘action’, of the ‘creator’ of a unified reality. Plekhanov’s account shows no less clearly that the duality of the contemplative and the (individual) practical principles which we saw as the first achievement and ad the starting-point for the later development of classical philosophy, leads towards this antinomy. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: 135.


例句 1:
Kant presents four antinomies in order to reveal the limit of reason thinking.

例句 2:
Thing-in-itself is a fundamental concept in Kant’s philosophy. It is the boundary of cognition as a negative noumenon. Once our cognition transcend this boundary and push them self to the whole, it will lead to antinomies. 

例句 3:
The antinomy of “Practice Rationality Critique” then drew out human’s highest morals ideal “the ultimate food”.





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