

字词 恩格斯


Friedrich Engels


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:128.
[2] Friedrich Engels. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Engels


恩格斯(Friedrich Engels,1820—1895),德国思想家、哲学家、革命家、教育家,全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师,马克思主义创始人之一。恩格斯是卡尔•马克思的挚友,被誉为“第二提琴手”,他为马克思从事学术研究提供大量经济支持。马克思逝世后,将马克思遗留下的大量手稿、遗著整理出版,并众望所归地成为国际工人运动的领袖。他是马克思的亲密战友,和马克思共同撰写了《共产党宣言》,共同创立了科学共产主义理论;参加了第一国际的领导工作。马克思逝世后,他承担整理和出版《资本论》遗稿的工作,还肩负领导国际工人运动的重担。除同马克思合撰著作外,他还著有《自然辩证法》、《家庭、私有制、国家的起源》等(恩格斯.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E5%BE%B7%E9%87%8C%E5%B8%8C%C2%B7%E6%81%A9%E6%A0%BC%E6%96%AF?fromtitle=%E6%81%A9%E6%A0%BC%E6%96%AF&fromid=159912&type=syn)。恩格斯出生于德国莱茵省巴门市(今乌培塔尔市)一个纺织厂主家庭。少年时就学于巴门市立学校,1834年转入爱北斐特理科中学。1837年其父坚持要他辍学经商。1年后到不来梅一家商行供职。当时德国正面临民族统一和民主革命的任务,恩格斯被民主主义的政治思想所吸引,同青年德意志运动发生联系。1839年春,在该派机关刊物《德意志电讯》发表《乌培河谷来信》,揭露封建专制制度和宗教虔诚主义的黑暗,倾注了对劳动人民的同情。恩格斯经商时业余时间刻苦自学,著文批判德国的封建专制统治、宗教迷信和资本家的贪婪,表现了初步的革命民主主义思想。1842年恩格斯认识了纺织女工玛丽•白恩士。白恩士是一个有觉悟的爱尔兰工人,她爱憎分明,十分同情爱尔兰民族为争取独立和自由而进行的斗争。恩格斯22岁与女工玛丽同居,直至1863年玛丽去世,而后恩格斯与玛丽的妹妹莉希同居,他一直不办理结婚手续,因为在《家庭、婚姻与私有制》中他曾经说:结婚那些经过国家批准并在教堂举行的仪式都是多余的,没有必要。由于他反对婚姻制度,两人终生未走入婚礼的殿堂。恩格斯从1873年开始对自然辩证法的研究,写了许多札记和片断。这些手稿在恩格斯逝世后被编成《自然辩证法》一书出版。其中《劳动在从猿到人转变过程中的作用》一文,科学地解决了人类起源的问题(恩格斯.via:http://ency.chaoxing.com/detail/06D5A4BBC7956F8AE3AC9FECA7EE09B1)。


[1] 恩格斯.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E5%BE%B7%E9%87%8C%E5%B8%8C%C2%B7%E6%81%A9%E6%A0%BC%E6%96%AF?fromtitle=%E6%81%A9%E6%A0%BC%E6%96%AF&fromid=159912&type=syn
[2] 恩格斯.via:http://ency.chaoxing.com/detail/06D5A4BBC7956F8AE3AC9FECA7EE09B1.


1. 对舒耳茨思想的关注是由科尔纽首先在《马克思恩格斯传》中提出的。以他的说法,自己的观点又受到明科的《历史唯物主义前史研究》手稿的启发。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:152

1. In his book Biography of Marx and Engels, Cornu was the first scholar to bring out the importance of Schulz’s work, though according to Cornu, Louis Mink’s manuscript Study of Historical Materialism had a profound impact on his own views. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 109.

2. 我认为,马克思与赫斯、青年恩格斯和蒲鲁东的深度交往是他研究经济学最直接的导因。这主要是我们前面专门分析过的青年恩格斯、赫斯和蒲鲁东社会主义观念的重要影响。从当时的情况来看,赫斯与青年恩格斯的思想主要都表现为在并不深入的经济学研讨之上所进行的哲学政治批判。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:156

2. I am of the opinion that the intimate exchange of ideas between Marx, Hess, young Engels, and Proudhon was the proximate factor that led to young Marx’s study of economics. This can largely be seen from our previous analysis of the important influence of the socialist ideas of young Engels, Hess, and Proudhon on young Marx. At the time, the philosophy of Hess and young Engels was primarily characterized by philosophical and political criticism founded on somewhat shallow economics discussion. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 112.

3. 生产的概念在马克思文本中发生过多重语义和历史性的变化,而鲍德里亚在这一点上的判断显得非常愚蠢,也许是批判的冲动和野心过于强烈以至于冲昏了头脑,这么高明的一个天才竟然也犯下了将一个在学术界在场了近五十年的思想家的理论成长过程绝对同质化的低级错误。这也是我曾经批判过的那种在一个主题研究中从《马克思恩格斯全集》第一卷开始,不如区分和辨识地引述到最后一卷的做法。这其实是斯大林主义的非历史解释构架,非常遗属,这种理论法西斯主义也是隐藏在鲍德里亚先锋面相下面的隐性语法结构。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:179

3. However, Baudrilla’s judgment on this point seems very poor, or probably, the genius is so overwhelmed by his critical impulse and ambition that he makes a silly mistake of absolute homogeneity of the theory that experienced an academic progress for nearly 50 years. (I once criticized this approach of indiscriminate citation from the first volume to the last one of the Collected Works of Mαrx and Engels in a subject research. In fact, it is a Stalinist ahistorical illustration. Regrettably, this fascist-like grammar is also detectable in Baudrilla’s subaltern critique under the fashion of a vanguard.) -Quoted from Back to Marx: A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 248.


例句 1:
Marx and Engels would life to a great proletarian revolutionary cause, and running for the liberation of mankind, who flashed their great moral glory, while their work are also always reflect the important content of morality.

例句 2:
This chapter introduce the democratic ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin, the united front ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin, and the multi-party cooperation ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin.

例句 3:
The major task of this chapter is explaining founding process of Marxism's view of science and technology, including the historical conditions of forming Marx and Engels' scientific and technological view, its main content, and Lenin and Stalin's view of science and technology.





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