

字词 总体性      

总体性              【英】



[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:953.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxiv.




[1] 陈慧平.人•时间•辩证法:中国道路的哲学基础探原[M].广西师范大学出版社,2015.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[3] 袁文彬.马克思主义和语言问题:詹明信的文学批判[M].中山大学出版社,2015.
[4] 总体性.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%80%BB%E4%BD%93%E6%80%A7.


1. 大家都知道,早期的西方马克思主义者卢卡奇、葛兰西和柯尔施等人,诚然在进行其哲学理论重建的同时也隐性地确证历史主体性,如用总体性、物化、实践哲学和主客体辩证法等规定来张扬马克思主义哲学中的主体向度,但由于马克思的大量早期论著在当时并没有出版,所以他们的研究思路基本上还是从马克思后来的成熟文本(如《共产党宣言》、《资本论》等)出发的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:4-5

1. Early Western Marxists such as Lukacs, Gramsci and Korsch, while sincerely restructuring their philosophical theories, nevertheless tacitly confirmed the subjectivity of history, using qualifications such as the totality, reification, practical philosophy, and the dialectic of subject and object to publicize the subjective aspects of Marxist philosophy. However, because most of Marx’s early works were not published at the time, these Western Marxists were forced to rely on Marx’s later mature works (such as The Communist Manifesto and Capital). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv.

2. 应该指出,一旦恩格斯抓住资本这个重要的经济学规定,那么必将使他的批判处于一个极重要的前沿地带。从资本与劳动的对立出发,实际上也是从生产出发,这个论点的理论意义远在对分配领域中劳动与财富、劳动与货币关系的批判的意义之上。面对这种本质分裂,恩格斯仍然坚持辩证的统一总体性。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:127

2. As soon as Engels grasped the importance of capital as a crucial economic qualification, his criticism took an important step forward relative to his contemporaries. By basing his argument on the antithesis between capital and labor—we could also base the argument on production—the theoretical significance of Engels’ argument becomes much greater than that of previous critiques of the relationships between labor and wealth, as well as criticisms of labor and money in distribution. Confronted with this essential split, Engels still maintained the unified totality of the dialectic. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 87.

3. 我觉得,阿多诺的理论运思常常是大气的。拒绝本体论和杂碎体系总体化不是一个口号,而是直接贯穿和实现在他的具体理论运作之中。¾¾《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:19.

3. In my view, Adorno’s theoretical thinking is usually of grand scale. His opposition to ontology and crush of system’s totality is far more than a slogan, for it is practiced all through his theoretical operation. –Quoted from A Deep Plough:Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011:38.


例句 1:
This dissertation focuses on the theory of multi-totality by Fredric Jameson, the famous western Marxist, from the perspective of traditional epistemology of totality, disclosing hi sabsorption and incorporation of the theories of Hegel, Marx, Sartre, Lukacs, and Althusser.

例句 2:
Lukacs’ Dialectics of Totality, Adorno’s Dialectics of Negative and Ollman’s Dialectics of Internal Relations serve as the most important representatives in the process of evolution of the Western Marxist Dialectics.

例句 3:
The work History and Class Consciousness, which was finished by famous Hungary scholar Lukacsin 1920s, has developed the Marxism in various aspects, of which the most important one is the proposal of the totality ideology of the Marxism.





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