释义 |
幽yōu ㄧㄡ 1.形容地方很僻静、光线暗 (of a place) secluded and dim:~谷 yōugǔ a deep and secluded valley/ ~林 yōulín a secluded wood/ ~室 yōushì a dim room ext. 隐藏,不公开的 secret; hidden:~居 yōujū live in seclusion/ ~会 yōuhuì a secret meeting of lovers 2.使人感觉沉静、安闲的 quiet; tranquil; serene:~香 yōuxiāng a delicate fragrance/ ~美 yōuměi secluded and beautiful/ ~雅 yōuyǎ quiet and graceful 3.幽禁,把人关起来不让跟外人接触 put under house arrest 4.迷信的人指阴间 (of superstition) the nether world:九~ jiǔyōu in the nether regions 5.古地区名,相当于今河北省北部和辽宁省南部 an ancient administrative district, comprising the northern part of modern Hebei and the southern part of Liaoning:~燕 Yōuyān an ancient region in present-day Hebei and Liaoning[幽默 -mò](外 foreign) 有趣或可笑而意味深长 humour, the quality of being funny or ridiculous, but profound:~~画 yōumòhuàr a humorous painting |