释义 |
尾 wěi ㄨㄟˇ 1.(-巴 -bɑ)鸟、兽、虫、鱼等身体末端突出的部分 tail, the movable growth at the back of a creature's body:猪~巴 zhū-wěibɑ pig's tail [交尾 jiāo-]鸟兽等交配 (of birds or animals) mating; pairing 2.末端 end:排~ páiwěi the person at the end of a row; the last person in a row 3.尾随,在后面跟 tail behind; tag along after:~其后 wěi qí hòu follow at his heels 4.量词 meas. 用于鱼 for fish 5.星宿名,二十八宿之一 the sixth of the twenty-eight constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy yǐ |