

释义 jiù
1.凑近,靠近 come near; move towards:~着灯光看书 jiùzhe dēngguāng kàn shū read a book by the light of a lamp
2.从事,开始进入 engage in; enter upon:~学 jiùxué go to school; attend school/ ~业 jiùyè get a job; obtain employment
3.依照现有情况,趁着 with regard to; taking advantage of:~近上学 jiùjìn shàngxué go to a nearby school; go to school in the neighbourhood/ ~地解决 jiùdì jiějué settle sth. on the spot
4.随同着吃下去 be eaten with; go with:炒鸡子~饭 chǎo jīzǐr jiù fàn have some scrambled eggs to go with the rice
5.完成 accomplish; make:造~人才 zàojiù réncái bring up (or train) qualified personnels
6.副词,表示肯定语气 adv. expressing an affirmative 1.加强 indicating stress:这么一来~好办了 Zhème yīlái jiù hǎobàn le. In that case, it will be easier. 2.在选择句中跟否定词相应 (used in combination with a negative in the alternative sentence) in that case:不是你去,~是我去 Bù shì nǐ qù, jiùshì wǒ qù. Either you go, or I go. or If you don't go there, I will.
7.副词,立刻,不用经过很多时间 adv. at once; right away:他一来,我~走 Tā yīlái, wǒ jiù zǒu. I'll go as soon as he comes./ 他~要参军了 Tā jiùyào cānjūn le. He is going to join up very soon.
8.连词,就是,即使,即便,表示假定 conj. even if:天~再冷,我们也不怕 Tiān jiù zài lěng, wǒmen yě bù pà. We shall not be afraid even if it gets colder./ 你~送来,我也不要 Nǐ jiù sònglɑi, wǒ yě bù yào. I will not take it even if you send it here.
9.副词,单,只,偏偏 adv. only; merely:他~爱看书 Tā jiù ài kàn shū. He only likes reading books./ 怎么~我不能去? Zěnme jiù wǒ bù néng qù? Why is it I that cannot go there




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