

释义 pínɡ
1.不倾斜,无凹凸,像静止的水面那样 flat; even:~地 píngdì smooth ground/ 像水面一样~ xiàng shuǐmiàn yīyàng píng be even like water surface/ 把纸铺~了 bǎ zhǐ pūpíng le smooth out the paper ext. 均等 equal; fair:~分 píngfēn divide equally; give or take equal shares/ 公~合理 gōngpíng hélǐ fair and reasonable [平行 -xíng]1.两个平面或在一个平面内的两条直线永远不相交 parallel:~~线 píngxíngxiàn parallel lines/ ~~面 píngxíngmiàn parallel scales 2.地位相等,互不隶属 ofequal rank; on an equal footing:~~机关 píngxíng jīguān units of equal rank; parallel organizations [天平 tiān-]一种精确度高的称重量的器具。横杆两头各悬一小盘,称物时,一头放物品,一头放砝码 balance, an instrument for weighing things by seeing whether the amounts in two hanging pans are equal
2.使平 make level or even; put down:把地~一~ bǎ dì píng yī píng level the ground
3.安定,安静 calm; peaceful:~心静气 píngxīn-jìngqì calmly; dispassionately/ 风~浪静 fēngpíng-làngjìng The wind has subsided and the waves have calmed down.
4.经常的,一般的 common; average:~日 píngrì an ordinary day/ ~淡无奇 píngdàn-wúqí commonplace; prosaic
5.平声,汉语四声之一。普通话的平声分阴平和阳平两类:阴平调子高而平,符号作“-”;阳平调子向高扬起,符号作“ˊ” level tone, the first of the four tones in classical Chinese pronunciation, evolved into the high and level tone (symbol: "-") and the rising tone (symbol: "ˊ") in modern standard pronunciation




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