

释义 (帶)dài
1.(-子 -zi、 -儿 -r)用皮、布或纱线等物做成的长条 belt; girdle; stripes of hide, cloth or gauze:皮~ pídài leather belt/ 腰~ yāodài belt; girdle/ 鞋~儿 xiédàir shoelace ext. 轮胎 tyre:外~ wàidài outer tyre/ 里~ lǐdài inter tyre
2.地带,区域 belt; region:温~ wēndài temperate zone/ 寒~ hándài frigid zone/ 沿海一~ yánhǎi yīdài coastal area
3.携带 carry:腰里~着盒子枪 yāo li dàizhe héziqiāng with a Mauser pistol tucked under one's belt/ ~着行李 dàizhe xíngli carry with sb. the luggage
4.捎,顺便做,连着一起做 do sth. incidentally:你给他~个口信去 Nǐ gěi tā dài ge kǒuxìnr qù. You take her a messsage./ 把门~上 bǎ mén dàishɑng Close the door after you./ 连送信~买菜 lián sòngxìn dài mǎicài buy some vegetable when going out to send a letter
5.显出,有 wear; have:面~笑容 miàn dài xiàoróng wear a smile/ ~花纹的 dài huāwén de figured
6.领,率领 lead; head ( comb. -领 -lǐng lead):~路 dàilù lead the way/ ~兵 dàibīng be in command of troops/ 起~头作用 qǐ dàitóu zuòyòng play a leading role
7.白带,女子阴道流出的白色黏液,如量过多是阴道或子宫发炎的一种症状,白带有血的叫“赤带” leucorrhoea; whites, a white mucas flowing out of woman's vagina. Too much leucorrhoea is regarded as a symptom of vaginitis or womb inflammation. And leucorrhoea with blood is called red leucorrhoea [带下 -xià]中医指女子赤、白带症 morbid leucorrhoea in Chinese medicine




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