释义 |
堡 bǎo ㄅㄠˇ 1.堡垒 fort; fortress:桥头~ qiáotóubǎo bridgehead [堡垒 -lěi]军事上防守用的建筑物 stronghold, a structure constructed for military defence:打下敌人最坚固的~~ dǎxiɑ dírén zuì jiāngù de bǎolěi capture the most heavily fortified stronghold of the enemy fig. 难于攻破的事物:攻克科学~~ gōngkè kēxué bǎolěi tackle key scientific problems/ 顽固~~ wángù bǎolěi fortress difficult to capture 2.小城 a town bǔ pù |