

释义 tánɡ
1.正房,高大的屋子 the main room of a house; tall and big house:~屋 tángwū central room (of a one-storey Chinese house consisting of several rooms in a row)/ 礼~ lǐtáng auditorium; assembly hall [令堂 lìng-]对对方母亲的尊称 a respectful term of address for other's mother
2.专供某种用途的房屋 a hall or a room for special purpose:课~ kètáng classroom; schoolroom
3.过去官吏审案办事的地方 court of law or a principal hall in a government organization in early times:大~ dàtáng court of law/ 过~ guòtáng appear in a court to be tried
4.表示同祖父的亲属关系 relationship between cousins, etc. of the same paternal grandfather or great-grandfather:~兄弟 tángxiōngdì male cousins on the paternal side/ ~姐妹 tángjiěmèi female cousins on the paternal side[堂皇 -huáng]盛大,大方 grand; magnificent:冠冕~~ guānmiǎn-tánghuáng looking respectable and dignified; high-sounding/ 富丽~~ fùlì-tánghuáng beautiful and imposing; in majestic splendour[堂堂 --]仪容端正,有威严 dignified; impressive:相貌~~ xiàngmào-tángtáng dignified in appearance; impressive-looking




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