字词 | 人才资源 |
释义 | 人才资源 【英】human resources译文来源[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 141. 定义人才资源指的是具有一定的专业知识或专门技能,进行创造性劳动并对社会作出贡献的人,是人力资源中能力和素质较高的劳动者。人才是为社会发展和人类进步进行了创造性劳动,在某一领域,某一行业,或某一工作上做出较大贡献的人(王通讯,2001:3),是我国经济社会发展的第一资源。面临知识经济时代的到来,人才特别是创新人才越来越成为生产力发展的核心。人才资源的本质特征是:第一,内在素质的优越性;第二,劳动过程的创新性和劳动成果的创造性;第三,贡献的超常性;第四,资源的稀缺性;第五,不可替代性;第六,时代性和群众性。人才资源可以根据需要进行不同的分类。按所学专业,可以划分为自然科学技术人才资源与哲学社会科学专业人才资源两大类;按工作性质,可以细分出某一大类中的某一种人才,如专业技术人才,企业经营管理人才、党政管理人才、技能人才;按社会称谓分类,如科学家与工程师。人才资源和人力资源既有共同特征,也相互区别。人才资源与人力资源都具有能动性、两重性、时效性、再生性和社会性。但是人才资源属于人力资源,但又不等同于人力资源,它是人力资源中最高的部分,是人力资源的精华。人才资源是独特的资本性资源,具有自我增值的巨大潜力。它与普通意义上的人力资源相比,人才资源含量最高、价值形成中的作用更大。习近平曾强调,推进“四个全面”战略布局,“要把工人阶级主力军、青年主力军、妇女半边天作用和人才第一资源作用充分发挥出来,把13亿多中国人的积极性充分调动出来”(习近平,2016:52),“树立强烈的人才意识,寻觅人才求贤若渴,发现人才如获至宝,举荐人才不拘一格,使用人才各尽其能”(习近平,2016:111)。“目前,人才资源已经成为科技进步和经济社会发展重要的资源和保证。经济和科技的竞争,最终表现为人才资源的竞争。人作为一种资源,只有将其从‘人力资源’升华到‘人才资源’的境界,才能实现人力资本的积累,才能在激烈的市场竞争中实现其价值,才能实现学有所用,用有所长”(李中斌,2005:9)。 定义来源[1]习近平.习近平总书记系列重要讲话读本(2016年版)[C].学习出版社,人民出版社,2016. 例句1. “一年之计,莫如树谷;百年之计,莫如树人。”我们要把人才资源开发放在科技创新最优先的位置,改革人才培养、引进、使用等机制,努力造就一批世界水平的科学家、科技领军人才、工程师和高水平创新团队,注重培养一线创新人才和青年科技人才。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:127 1. "If you want one year of prosperity; then grow grain; if you want ten years of prosperity, then grow trees; if you want one hundred years of prosperity, then you grow people." We should make human resource development a top priority for scientific and technological innovation. We should improve the mechanism for training, recruiting and using competent personnel. We should work hard to foster a contingent of world-class scientists and engineers and other leading and high-caliber ones, as well as high-level innovation teams. We should focus on training young innovative scientists and engineers for the front lines. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 141. 2. 加快人才资源开发。人才是第一资源。要统筹推进各类人才队伍建设,突出培养创新型科技人才、经济社会发展重点领域专门人才和高技能人才,积极引进海外高层次人才。建立健全政府、社会、用人单位和个人等多元化的人才培养投入机制,充分发挥市场配置人才资源的基础性作用,努力营造人才辈出、人尽其才的制度环境,建设人力资源强国。——《2010政府工作报告》,2010 2. We will accelerate the development of human resources. Talented personnel are the primary resources. We need to develop all types of human resources in a coordinated and all-round way, with the focus on producing innovative scientists and engineers, and experts and professionals in key areas of economic and social development, and energetically attract high caliber personnel from overseas. We will set up a mechanism for diversifying funding for personnel training, so that the government, nongovernmental bodies, employers and employees all do their part. We will make full use of the basic role of market forces in allocating human resources, strive to create an institutional environment conducive to bringing forth talented people in large numbers and tapping their full potential, and make our country rich in human resources. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2010. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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