

字词 交往形式(又作交往方式、交往关系)


mode/form of interaction; mode/form of communication; mode/form of intercourse


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:637.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 299.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: VI.




[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)[M].人民出版社,1965.
[2] 姜锡润,王燕.关于《德意志意识形态》中交往与交往形式研究[J].武汉大学学报(人文科学版),2002(4).


1. 但是,哈贝马斯不希望再采取后期法兰克福学派那种悲观主义的文化批判,以免仍被指责为重蹈青年黑格尔主义的覆辙。他试图在《知识与人类兴趣》中通过对历史唯物主义的基本表述来达到这一点。像霍克海姆和阿多尔诺一样,他愿否弃作为基本的人类活动范畴的劳动,但他认为,在马克思那里暗含了劳动与互动的区分劳动是作用于外部世界的有目的的理性活动;而互动则包含的是主体之间的交往。虽然这两个领域(在某种程度上与经典马克思主义对生产力和生产关系的区分相对应)是社会进化中相互关联的方面,却又是彼此独立的,每一个方面都有它自己的认知方式和理性评判标准,即在工具性的活动领域里,要求扩大技术的控制;在文化发展领域里,要求扩大不受歪曲和支配的交往形式。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285-286

1. But Habermas wished to avoid the pessimistic culture critique of the late Frankfurt School, which has been accused of a relapse into Young Hegelianism. He attempted to achieve this in Knowledge and Human Interests by a basic reformulation of historical materialism. He did not wish, like Horkheimer and Adorno, to reject labour as a fundamental category of human activity; but he considered that implicit in Marx was a distinction between labour and interaction. The first was purposive rational action on an external; the second involved communication between subjects. These two spheres (which corresponded to some extent with the classical Marxist division between forces of production and relations of production) were separate though related dimensions of social evolution. Each dimension had its own mode of knowledge and its own criteria of rationality: in the sphere of instrumental action, this involved extending technical control, in that of culture development it involved the extension of forms of communication free from distortion and domination. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 299.

2. 但是,意识本身究竟采取什么形式,这是完全无关紧要的。我们从这一大堆赘述中只能得出一个结论,那就是,上述三个因素——生产力、社会状况和意识——彼此之间可能而且一定会发生矛盾,因为分工不仅使物质活动和精神活动、享受和劳动、生产和消费由各种不同的人来分担这种情况成为可能,而且成为现实。要使这三个因素彼此不发生矛盾,只有消灭分工。此外,不言而喻,“怪影”、“枷锁”、“最高存在物”、“概念”、“怀疑”只是假想中孤立的个人的唯心的、精神的表现,只是他的观念,即关于经验的束缚和界限的观念;生活的生产方式以及与之相联系的交往形式是在这些束缚和界限的范围内运动着的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:45

2. Incidentally, it is quite immaterial what consciousness starts to do on its own: out of all this trash we get only the one inference that these three moments, the productive forces, the state of society and consciousness, can and must come into contradiction with one another, because the division of labour implies the possibility, nay the fact, that intellectual and material activity, that enjoyment and labour, production and consumption, devolve on different individuals, and that the only possibility of their not coming into contradiction lies in negating in its turn the division of labour. It is self-evident, moreover, that “spectres”, “bonds”, “the higher being”, “concept”, “scruple”, are merely idealist, speculative, mental expressions, the concepts apparently of the isolated individual, the mere images of very empirical fetters and limitations, within which move the mode of production of life, and the form of intercourse coupled with it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 254.

3. 在一切对于后来时代(和先前时代相反的时代)说来是偶然的东西中,也就是在过去时代所停下来的各种因素中,也有与生产力发展的一定水平相适应的交往形式。生产力与交往形式的关系就是交往形式与个人的行动或活动的关系。(这种活动的基本形式当然是物质活动,它决定一切其他的活动,如脑力活动、政治活动、宗教活动等。当然,物质生活的这样或那样的组织,每次都依赖于已经发达的需求,而这些需求的产生,也像它们的满足一样,本身是一个历史过程,这一过程在羊或狗那里是没有的(这是施蒂纳顽固地提出来 adversus hominem〔反对人〕的主要论据),尽管目前形态下的羊或狗无疑是历史过程的产物——诚然,malgré éux〔不以它们的意愿为转移〕。)——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:80

3. What appears accidental to a later age as opposed to an earlier—and this applies also to the elements handed down by an earlier age—is a form of intercourse which corresponded to a definite stage of development of the productive forces. The relation of the productive forces to the form of intercourse is the relation of the form of intercourse to the occupation or activity of the individuals. (The fundamental form of this activity is, of course, material, on which depend all other forms—mental, political, religious, etc. The different forms of material life are, of course, in every case dependent on the needs which are already developed, and the production, as well as the satisfaction, of these needs is an historical process, which is not found in the case of a sheep or a dog (Stirner’s refractory principal argument adversus hominem), although sheep and dogs in their present form certainly, but in spite of themselves, are products of an historical process). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 81-82.


例句 1:
The form of the productive forces and relations from the dialectical movement triggered by the great social changes triggered by the individual in real life and social life Vrather than actually taking place of ideas, consciously or unconsciously, conflict and fission.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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