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1. 起码从1847年写《共产主义原理》以来,他在思想上就存在着倚重非主观因素的倾向,从而使他常常对资产阶级国家采取比较温和的态度。他倾向于避免强调国家机器必须打碎的思想,而认为共和国是“无产阶级将来进行统治的现成的政治形式”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:12

1. The emphasis on the non-subjective factors that had been present in his thought at least since the Principles Communism of 1847 led him often to adopt a relatively mild attitude to the bourgeois state. Engels tended to avoid emphasizing the idea that the State needed to be smashed and considered the republic to be the ready-for-use political form for the future role of the proletariat’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 14-15.

2. 所以,从许多方面讲,伯恩施坦和考茨基都处于同一个世界。不论他们在无产阶级孤立的问题上有多大的分歧,他们都完全投身于议会策略中。正如精通那段历史的一位最卓越的历史学家所说:“争论双方之间的分歧在很大程度上是主观上的。这种分歧是对现实作出估量的观念上的分歧,而不是行动领域中的分歧。” ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:23

2. In many ways, therefore, Bernstein and Kautsky were part of the same world: however much they might differ on the question of proletarian isolation, they were both fully committed to parliamentary tactics. As the most distinguished historian of the period has said: ‘The distinction between the contenders remained largely a subjective one, a difference of ideas in the evaluation of reality rather than a difference in the realm of action.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 38.

3. 列宁对帝国主义的分析是他的革命观发展的关键。帝国主义战争将世界金融资本主义带入其最后阶段,并为世界范围的社会主义革命准备了客观的和主观的先决条件。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:97

3. For the development of Lenin’s revolutionary perspectives, his analysis of imperialism was crucial. The imperialist war had brought world financial capitalism to its final stage and introduced the objective and subjective preconditions for worldwide socialist revolution. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 105.


例句 1:
Arbitrary judgment of criminal discontinuation has been the core problem of discontinuing crime. Because of its complexity, it has attracted much attention and controversy in the academic field.

例句 2:
In Japan there are also some different opinions, such as subjective theory, revised subjective theory, objective theory, interrupting theory and eclecticism. The all action theory and eclecticism have something to recommend.

例句 3:
The Standard of the duty of care differs greatly in the theory of criminal law. Both objective theory and subjective objective theory exist in the Anglo-American Law system .There are three theories in the continental law system: subjective theory, objective theory and compromise theory, but both subject theory and subjective-objective theory exist in the Chinese criminal law.





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