

字词 鲍威尔(奥托·鲍威尔)


Otto Bauer


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:942.
[2] Otto Bauer. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Bauer


鲍威尔(Otto Bauer,1881—1938),奥地利社会民主党和第二国际的机会主义领袖之一,是所谓“奥地利马克思主义派”的代表人物(中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局国际共运史研究室,1981:293)。鲍威尔出生于犹太资产阶级家庭,在中学时代就开始接触马克思主义著作,同时也受到伯恩施坦的影响。他早年当过记者,曾与弗里得利希·阿德勒共同创办奥地利社会民主党理论刊物《斗争》杂志,1904年任该党议会党团秘书。1909年鲍威尔提出了“民族文化自治”这一资产阶级的民族主义纲领,受到列宁的严厉批判。一战期间,鲍威尔被征入伍,参加帝国主义战争,被俘后被流放西伯利亚,直到俄国1917年二月革命后才被释放回国。1918年奥地利共和国成立后,他在联合政府中先后担任外交部副部长、部长、社会化委员会主席等职务。鲍威尔极端仇视列宁领导下的苏维埃俄国,极力阻挠各国工人转向共产国际。同时,他与弗·阿德勒等人于1921年2月在维也纳创立了第二半国际。1929至1934年,鲍威尔在担任奥地利国民议会议员期间,多次参与镇压工人起义,并积极为希特勒德国吞并奥地利制造舆论。1934年的工人反法西斯起义失败后,社会民主党被查禁,鲍威尔逃往国外,病死他乡(夏征农,1985:591)。他的主要著作有:《民族问题和社会民主党》(1907年)、《到社会主义之路》(1919年)、《布尔什维主义还是社会民主主义?》(1920年)、《苏俄的新方针》(1921年)、《奥地利革命》(1923年)、《世界大战后的资本主义和社会主义》(1931年)、《两次世界大战之间吗?》(1936年)等等(中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局国际共运史研究室,1981:293)。


[1] 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局国际共运史研究室.国际共运史研究资料[M].人民出版社,1981.
[2] 夏征农.社会主义辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1985.


1. 这样,对于庸俗经济学来说,积累问题就变为个别科学的一个细节问题。它几乎同整个资本主义的命运毫无联系,它的解决由马克思的“公式”的正确性充分保证了,而马克思的“公式”至多——象在奥托·鲍威尔那里一样——必须“合乎时代地”加以改进。借助这些公式,原则上决不能理解经济现实,因为这些公式的前提是这整个现实的一种抽象(把社会看成好象它只是由资产者和无产者构成似的),所以,这些公式只能用于说明问题,作为提出正确问题的跳板,对于这一切,鲍威尔和他的伙伴们都不理解,正象当初李嘉图的学生们不理解马克思主义对问题的提法一样。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:81-82

1. It thus becomes an isolated question for the vulgar economists, a question unconnected with the ultimate fate of capitalism as a whole. The solution to the problem is officially guaranteed by the Marxist “formulae” which are correct in themselves and need only to be “brought up to date” —a task performed e.g. by Otto Bauer. However, we must insist that economic reality can never be understood solely on the basis of these formulae because they are based on an abstraction (viz. the working hypothesis that society consists only of capitalists and workers). Hence they can serve only for clarification and as a springboard for an assault on the real problem. Bauer and his confreres misunderstood this just as surely as the disciples of Ricardo misunderstood the problematics of Marx in their day. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 31-32.

2. 经济宿命论和对社会主义的伦理改造是密切联系在一起的。我们在伯恩斯坦、杜冈-巴拉诺夫斯基和奥托·鲍威尔那里同样也能找到这些东西,绝不是偶然的。更确切地说,这不单单是因为有必要为自我堵塞了的客观革命道路寻求和找到一种主观代用品,而且也是庸俗经济学考察方式在方法上产生的结果,即在方法论上采用个人主义的结果。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:89

2. Economic fatalism and the reformation of socialism through ethics are intimately connected. It is no accident that they reappear in similar form in Bernstein, Tugan-Barabovsky and Otto Bauer. This is not merely the result of the need to seek and fin d a subjective substitute for the objective oath to revolution that they themselves have blocked. It is the logical consequence of the vulgar-economic point of view and of methodological individualism. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 38.

3. 同一功能的变化,使相反的态度,即对无限积累的确信,具有小资产阶级动摇的、胆怯的和怀疑的性质。奥托·鲍威尔的这种确信,缺少萨伊或杜冈-巴拉诺夫斯基那一类人的开朗和纯真的乐观主义。鲍威尔和他的志同道合者尽管使用了马克思主义的术语,但是按照他们的理论的本质来说,他们仍然是蒲鲁东主义者。他们解决积累问题的企图,确切地说,他们不承认它是一个问题,最终导致的结果仍然是蒲鲁东所力求的东西,即保存资本主义发展“好的方面”,同时消除其“坏的方面”。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:89

3. Through a comparable shift the opposed view, the faith in limitless accumulation is assailed by doubts, hesitations and petty bourgeois vacillations. Otto Bauer embraces this faith but with a marked falling off from the sunny, untroubled optimism of Say or Tugan-Baranovsky. Bauer and his associates work with a Marxist terminology, but their theory is essentially that of Proudhon. In the last analysis their attempts to solve the problem of accumulation, or rather their attempts to deny its existence, come to no more than Proudhon’s endeavours to preserve the “good sides” of capitalism while avoiding the “bad sides”. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 37.


例句 1:
Otto Bauer is a war to World War II during the period of the Social Democratic Party of Austria leader, “the Marx doctrine of Austria” the main theorist and one of the leaders of the labour and socialist international.

例句 2:
Otto Bauer (1881-1938) was one of the main leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Austria during the two wars. As one of the Austrian Marxist theorists, Otto Bauer played a pivotal role in the development of socialism in Austria as well as the subsequent development of Democratic Socialism in Europe.

例句 3:
In the history of socialism, Otto Bauer, the high priest of Austromarxism, played an important role in the development of Austrian socialism during the two wars, even as the development of Democratic Socialism in Europe.





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