

字词 马志尼


Giuseppe Mazzini


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 316.


朱塞佩·马志尼(Giuseppe Mazzini,1805年6月22日-1872年3月10日)是意大利革命家和民族解放运动领袖,意大利建国三杰之一。1805年6月22日,马志尼生于热那亚,从小立志为祖国的独立、统一、自由而奋斗终生。1827—1830年间,马志尼接受了维科的观点,读到了法国民主主义作家盖尔得尔和史学家基佐的著作,对其政治观点的形成也具有重要意义。正是在他们的影响下,他才提出了“思想和行动”的口号,同时参加了秘密革命组织“烧炭党”。1831年,马志尼开始了流亡生活,流亡期间,马志尼建立了秘密的革命组织“青年意大利”及其在各地的组织网,并创办了同名机关刊物,宣传统一和独立的思想,对意大利的民族解放运动具有深远的影响。1833—1834年间,在革命条件尚未成熟的情况下,马志尼决定在撒丁王国的热那亚发动起义,最终起义计划流产。19世纪四十年代中期,马志尼把争取意大利的统一、独立提到首位,但在后来的意大利民族解放运动中,马志尼丧失了领导地位,1872年3月10日,马志尼在比萨逝世,终年67岁。马志尼的宗教思想、国家建设思想、自由思想和民族意识都对后世有重要的指导意义。列宁把马志尼归为马克思主义以前的非无产阶级社会主义的代表人物(朱塞佩·马志尼.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G_ZkqMkOoytG2wjP8-9NowSF41H60yQkQ6QwpN4Q_wUbIFTtcloN1RPA16kKo7GrN0ZcoJujp3wiQaHkQuv3qNLYR7jfF0vuTb4FoWk45CAvhxBPDFJT-n8iYKzDm6PeFwlqMlSYWnUrMVEfX9_Hivf93lxjNQvORdLnFBaoXrO)。




1. 通过流亡在伦敦的1839年5月12日的起义伙伴,同盟和法国革命者保持了密切的联系。同样也和波兰急进派保持了密切的联系,波兰的官方流亡者,也和马志尼一样,当然与其说是盟友,毋宁说是敌人。英国的宪章派,由于他们的运动具有特殊的英国性质,被看做不革命的而抛到一边。同盟的伦敦领导者们只是后来通过我才同他们建立了联系。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:246

1. Close contact was maintained with the French revolutionaries through the London refugees, comrades-in-arms of May 12, 1839. Similarly with the more radical Poles. The official Polish émigrés, as also Mazzini, were, of course, opponents rather than allies. The English Chartists, on account of the specific English character of their movement, were disregarded as not revolutionary. The London leaders of the League came into contact with them only later, through me. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 316.

2. 但是,对局势的这一清醒看法在当时竟被许多人看做邪说,那时赖德律·洛兰、路易·勃朗、马志尼、科苏特以及那些不大显要的德国名人像卢格、金克尔、戈克等等一类人,群集在伦敦,他们不但为各自的祖国,并且为全欧洲建立了一些未来的临时政府,而全部问题不过是要用举借革命贷款的办法在美国取得必要的经费,以便马上实现欧洲革命,从而建立理所当然的各个共和国。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:246

2. This cool estimation of the situation, however, was regarded as heresy by many persons, at a time when Ledru-Rollin, Louis Blanc, Mazzini, Kossuth and, among the lesser German lights, Rüge, Kinkel, Goegg and the rest of them were flocking together in London to form provisional governments of the future not only for their respective fatherlands but for the whole of Europe, and when it only remained a matter of obtaining the requisite money from America as a revolutionary loan to consummate at a moment's notice the European revolution and the various republics which went with it as a matter of course. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 328.

3. 决不适于奥斯坦德的隐居生活并向往着“再次出现”于公众面前的阿尔诺德听到了古斯达夫的不幸的消息。他立刻决定赶回英国,踏着古斯达夫的肩爬上欧洲民主派五巨头之一的地位。事情是这样:当时由马志尼、赖德律·洛兰和达拉什成立了欧洲中央委员会,其首脑是马志尼。卢格嗅到了这里还有一个空位。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:325

3. Arnold, who was anything but content with the seclusion of his life in Ostend and who longed for a "frequent appearance" before the public, heard of Gustav's misfortune. He resolved to return to England at once and, by climbing on Gustav's shoulders, to hoist himself into the pentarchy of European democracy. For in the meantime the European Central Committee had been formed consisting of Mazzini, Ledru-Rollin and Darasz. Mazzini was its soul. Ruge thought he could smell a vacant position. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 281.


例句 1:
WuWenzao is one of the founders of Chinese ethnology and sociology. And in the United States, he took part in the nationalism groups-Da JiangHui. Then he published some works named a study of the national character of the encore classification bibliography, nation and state and MaZhiNi nationalism and reunification of Italy and other important works for their country.

例句 2:
Fichte, Mazzini and Lenin advocated the RND, but the implication is national determination or people’s determination not ethnic determination. National entity but not ethnic entity is the applicable subject of the RND from the perspective of the relationships among RND, national sovereignty and popular sovereignty.

例句 3:





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