

字词 非我


non-ego; not-self; non-I


[1] Alfred Weber.The Philosophy of Fichte. via: http://www.sophia-project.org/uploads/1/3/9/5/13955288/weber_fichte.pdf
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977:67. 
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 281.
[4] Nicht-Ich.via: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicht-Ich


非我是德国古典哲学家费西特使用的概念,是“自我”的对立面,由自我创造出来,代表客观世界的存在,但对自我又有约束力。非我是外在的,以自我的存在为前提,归根结底是自我的制造物。(非我.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006136208&d=B5667136C174270AC9A712F89A221F2C )自我周围世界的一切事物都是非我,非我既包括在主体自我产生之前就已经存在的部分,也包括主体自我产生之后,由自我创造的那些部分。因而非我具有双重性质:“一是客观性。作为主体自我产生之前的那些客观事物是不依赖于自我而独立存在的。它决定自我,限定自我。二是客体性。主体自我产生之后并由主体活动创造的客观事物是和主体自我相联系的。它是主体活动的结果。没有主体,也就没有这种客体,这种客体是对主体自我的证明。非我的客观方面和客体方面是互为转化的,不可分割的”。(邢贲思等,1992:75)自我与非我、主体与客体是辩证的统一体。谢林在提出他自己的体系之后,反驳这种从自我中限制非我的理论。认为限制是仅仅由自我意识作出的,因此除了通过自我意识而获得的实在性以外,根本没有其他的实在性。还认为在独断论者看来,这种受限制状态是第一性的,自我意识成为第二性的东西。实际上自我就是某种行动,在这个行动内有两种对立的活动,一种是被限制的活动,一种是作出限制的活动,两者都不是自我的活动,而是绝对的活动。它既是主体,又是客体。认为客体或自然界是客观的东西的总和,而主体或自我是主观的东西的总和。以主体与客体代替费希特的自我与非我。(金炳华,2003:19)


[1] 非我.via:http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006136208&d=B5667136C174270AC9A712F89A221F2C
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 作为这一切等式的基础的伟大命题就是:我不是非我。这个非我获得各种不同的名称,这些名称一方面可以是纯逻辑的,例如自在的存在、异在,另一方面是具体观念的名称,例如人民、国家等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:316

1. The great proposition that forms the basis of all these equations is: I am not non-I. This non-I is given various names, which, on the one hand, can be purely logical, e.g., being-in-itself, other-being, or, on the other hand, the names of concrete ideas such as the people, state, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 281.

2. 阿芬那留斯的原则同格说,是在他的《人的世界概念》和《考察》这两本书中阐述的。后一著作写得较晚,阿芬那留斯在这部著作中强调指出:这里的讲法的确有些不同,但跟《纯粹经验批判》和《人的世界概念》里讲的没有什么不同,都是一样的(《考察》,载于1894年上引杂志第137页)。这个学说的本质,就是关于“我们的自我(des Ich)和环境的不可分割的(unauflösliche)同格”(即相互关联)的原理(第146页)。阿芬那留斯在这里又说:“用哲学的话来讲,可以说是‘自我和非我’”。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:62

2. Avenarius expounded his doctrine of the principal coordination in The Human Concept of the World and in the Notes. The second was written later, and in it Avenarius emphasises that he is expounding, it is true in a somewhat altered form, something that is not different from The Critique of Pure Experience and The Human Concept of the World, but exactly the same (Notes, 1894, p.137 in the journal quoted above). The essence of this doctrine is the thesis of “the indissoluble (unauflösliche) co-ordination [i.e., the correlative connection] of the self (des Ich) and the environment” (p.146). “Expressed philosophically,” Avenarius says here, one can say the “self and not-self”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 67.

3. 这种同一性中的非同一性,本身就是矛盾。用黑格尔的话来表述,就是“它的他者”(its otherness)。这又是一种很深的辩证关系。实际上,这一关系式的原韧形态是费希特实现自我的“非我”,这种不是我的我阐释了一种深层的同体关联。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:37

3. Such nonidentity in identity is contradiction itse1f. As Hege1 puts it, it is “its otherness.” Again, what we read here is a deep dia1ectics. Actually, the primary form of this formula is Fichte’s se1frealizing “non-I”, the I as non-I illustrates a deep corre1ation. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 63.


例句 1:
so there is no distinction between ego and nonego, that’s the theory of “losing oneself”(吾丧我) . There is no right and wrong ,no live and die, no waking and dreaming in that Completed Heart-Mind (成心) is vanished, all is emerged into the “Transformation Of Things”(物化).

例句 2:
Only the intuition of life will be able to eliminate self and non-self’s confrontation and to reach grasping self and non-self’s metaphysical identity, and take other people’s happiness for our behavior motives in the purpose to hasten the birth of moral meaning and value.

例句 3:
Theoretically, some problems such as limiting self merely to self of individuals, symptom of non-ego, and egotism dilemma must be explained reasonably.





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