

字词 雇佣工人


wage-worker; wage-labourer


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 203.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1978: 292-293.


雇佣工人(wage-worker,wage-labourer),也称雇佣劳动者、雇佣工人、工资劳动者或自由劳动者。它指这样一批人,丧失生产资料和生活资料,凭借出卖劳动力换取工资来维持生存的无产者。雇佣劳动者在封建社会末期,在小生产者分化的基础上产生,随着资本主义生产方式的发展逐渐形成为一个阶级。和奴隶、农奴不同,雇佣劳动者摆脱了封建制度的人身依附关系,有独立的人格,可以“自由地”处理自己的劳动力。但他们被剥夺了一切生产资料,为了不致饿死,不得不把劳动力出卖给资本家(《雇佣工人》,via: http://bfts.5read.com/pdf/C3/C3A98848361E6AF8D635CD940E2FD954795-798)。雇佣工人丧失了生产资料,除了自己的劳动力外,“自由”地一无所有,不得不靠出卖劳动力为生,受雇于资本家,为资本家生产剩余价值(《雇佣工人》,via: http://bfts.5read.com/pdf/E0/E083BB13A9497570F3DA543DA71E9DB8230-233)。


[1] 雇佣工人.via:
[2] 雇佣工人.via:


1. 可是现在每天付给自由雇佣工人的不是2个银格罗申,而是5-6个银格罗申。因此,如果有关的一方声明愿意赎买,那就先把徭役日折算为雇佣劳动日,结果两者之间一天的差额至少是3个银格罗申,—— 这样一来,每年中有50天的地租必须规定为4-5个塔勒,这个数目贫农是付不起的,因为他们经常只有14摩尔根土地,又没有干外活挣钱的可能。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:360

1. A free labourer, however, must now be paid 5 to 6 instead of 2 silver groschen per day. If now one of the interested partners of a service relationship requests redemption he will have to pay, after first converting corvée days into substitute days, a differential amount of at least 3 silver groschen per day, which will amount to a yearly rent (based upon 50 days) of 4 to 5 talers. The poor peasant cannot afford such payments since he often possesses barely a quarter of a morgen of land and cannot find sufficient opportunity for work elsewhere. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 327.

2. 在他看来,十二小时劳动的意义并不在于织布、纺纱、钻孔等等,而在于这是挣钱的方法,挣钱使他能吃饭、喝酒、睡觉。假如说蚕儿吐丝作茧是为了维持自己的生存,那末它就可算是一个真正的雇佣工人了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:478

2. The twelve hours’ labour, on the other hand, has no meaning for him as weaving, spinning, drilling, etc., but as earnings, which bring him to the table, to the public house, into bed. If the silkworm were to spin in order to continue its existence as a caterpillar, it would be a complete wage-worker. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 203.

3. 但是,它没有给工人提供什么东西,可以使工人在反动的同盟者心目中成为危险的人物,因为它没有给他们带来政治权利也没有改变他们作为雇佣工人的社会地位。相反的,10小时工作制的宣传经常使工人受他们的有产阶级同盟者的影响,甚至有时受他们领导,而自从实行改革法案和产生宪章派的宣传以来,他们越来越想摆脱这种领导。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:279

3. But it gave them nothing which could make them dangerous to their reactionary allies; it neither gave them political power nor altered their social position as wage-labourers. On the contrary, the Ten Hours agitation kept the workers still under the influence and partly under the leadership of these propertied allies of theirs, which they had been more and more striving to draw away from since the Reform Bill226 and the rise of the Chartist agitation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 292-293.


例句 1:
The result of labor division maximizes the social welfare in the monopolistic competitive market. Comparative static analysis shows that an increase in monopoly power lead to workers to work in home or to be entrepreneurs and hence inefficiency of human resource allocation.

例句 2:
And the rapid rising of the class of private entrepreneurs and that of the corresponding wage workers has formed the prominent characterization of these changes.

例句 3:
The second chapter's main content is analysis of Lenin’s labor theory. Lenin thinks that most of the farmers become employing workers with the use of agricultural machines, the Russian agricultural labor service system is replaced by agricultural capitalist system of wage labor.





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