字词 | 阿那克西曼德 |
释义 | 阿那克西曼德【英】Anaximander译文来源[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 612. 定义阿那克西曼德(约前611—前546)出生于米利都,是古希腊哲学家,属米利都学派。是泰勒斯的学生、朋友和继承人。以积极从事科学活动闻名,曾领导米利都人到黑海沿岸建立殖民城邦。传说他第一个发明日晷计时器,用以测定冬至、夏至和昼夜平分点;绘制了当时希腊人所知道的世界第一张地图,被称为“科学地理之父”。在哲学上,最早使用本原(始基)一词,认为物质性的处于永恒运动的“无定限体”(即“阿派朗”)是万物的本原,各种存在物由它产生,毁灭后又复归于它。无定限体在时间上是永恒的,在量上是无限可分的;通过分离,从其中派生出各种对立物,有无数个世界,它们或者在时间上连续和循环产生的,或者同时存在无始无终无限系列连续的世界,认为大地处于宇宙的中心,它静止不动,由此他提出诸行星间距离的设想。认为最初的动物是从潮湿的东西中产生的,人最初是由鱼或类似鱼的东西产生的,主要著作有《论自然》(冯契,徐孝通,2000:450)。 定义来源冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000. 例句1. 根据德里达的说法,“裂隙”一词是海德格尔的用语,是海德格尔在《阿那克西曼德的箴言》一书中提出的重要思想。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:305 1. According to Derrida, fuge is a term used by Heidegger, who puts forward this important idea in his lecture on Anaximander. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 398-399. 2. 最早的希腊哲学家同时也是自然科学家:泰勒斯是几何学家,他确定了一年是365天,据说他曾预言过一次日蚀。——阿那克西曼德制造过日晷、一种海陆地图和各种天文仪器。——毕达哥拉斯是数学家。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:526 2. The oldest Greek philosophers were at the same time investigators of nature: Thales, a geometrician, fixed the year at 365 days, and is said to have predicted a solar eclipse. 。——Anaximander constructed a sun clock, a kind of map of land and sea, and various astronomical instruments. ——Pythagoras was a mathematician. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 468. 3. 伊奥尼亚哲学家阿那克西曼德还在公元前六世纪就提出了人是从鱼发展而来的观点,大家知道,现代进化论自然科学的观点也是如此,如果现在有人想出来声明说,在这里已经可以看出达尔文的思想进程,甚至表达方式,达尔文只是阿那克西曼德的剽窃者,不过小心翼翼地把自己的来源隐蔽起来罢了,那么他对待达尔文和阿那克西曼德,恰恰就像门格尔先生实际上对待马克思和汤普逊一样。教授先生说得对:“只有在社会科学领域内”才有希望看到那种使“这样一种有成效的尝试”成为可能的无知。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:563 3. Back in the sixth century B. C., the Ionian philosopher Anaximander put forward the view that man had evolved out of a fish, and this, it will be recalled, is also the view of modern evolutionary science. Now if someone were to stand up and maintain that the mode of thinking and indeed the forms of expression of Darwin could be recognised in Anaximander and that Darwin had done nothing more than plagiarise Anaximander carefully concealing his source, he would be adopting exactly the same approach to Darwin and Anaximander as Mr. Menger adopts to Marx and Thompson. The worthy professor is right: "only in the social sciences" can one count on the ignorance that makes "successful attempts of this kind conceivable". -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 612. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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