

字词 部落宗教


tribal religions


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1989: 433.
[2] Tribal religions. via: http://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/tribal-religions






1. 罗马帝国在消灭各民族政治和社会独特性的同时,也消灭了他们独特的宗教。古代一切宗教都是自发的部落宗教和后来的民族宗教,它们从各民族的社会和政治条件中产生,并和它们一起生长。宗教的这些基础一旦遭到破坏,沿袭的社会形式、继承的政治结构和民族独立一旦遭到毁灭,那末与之相适应的宗教自然也就崩溃。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1965:333

1. With the political and social peculiarities of the peoples, the Roman Empire also doomed to ruin their particular religions. All religions of antiquity were naturally arising tribal and later national religions which sprang from and grew together with the social and political conditions of the respective peoples. Once these, their foundations, were destroyed and their traditional forms of society, their inherited political institutions and their national independence shattered, the religion corresponding to these naturally also collapsed. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 433.

2. 历史上的伟大转折点有宗教变迁相伴随,只是就迄今存在的三种世界宗教——佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教而言。旧的自发产生的部落宗教和民族宗教不进行宣传,一旦部落或民族的独立遭到破坏,它们便失掉任何抵抗力;在日耳曼人那里,甚至只要他们一接触正在崩溃的罗马世界帝国,一接触它刚刚采用的、适应于它的经济、政治、精神状态的世界基督教,这种情形就发生了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:328

2. Great historical turning-points have been accompanied by religious changes only so far as the three world religions which have existed up to the present, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, are concerned. The old tribal and national religions, which arose spontaneously, did not proselytise and lost all their power of resistance as soon as the independence of the tribe or people was lost. For the Germans it was sufficient simply to have contact with the decaying Roman world empire and with its just adopted Christian world religion that accorded with its economic, political and ideological conditions. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 376.


例句 1:
Then Ongnuud A closely related in Taiwan turn red pounds red station territory and security, is part and heirs conducted a more in-depth discussion. And trying to hook Lecha Han tribal religious and cultural landscape.

例句 2:

例句 3:
Jingpo primitive religion as a kind of primitive clan tribal religion, with its traditional culture almost completely consistent, primitive religion of the jingpo people in religious identity, national identity and national identity, to contain the group cohesion in traditional culture.





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