

字词 转移支付


transfer payment; government transfer; transfer


Transfer payment. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_payment






1. 财税金融等重点改革深入推进。中央对地方专项转移支付项目减少三分之一,一般性转移支付规模增加。营改增稳步实施,资源税从价计征范围扩大。取消存款利率浮动上限,推出存款保险制度,建立人民币跨境支付系统。价格改革力度加大,中央政府定价项目减少80%,地方政府定价项目减少一半以上。国有企业、农村、投融资、生态文明等领域改革有序推进,全面深化改革的成效正在显现。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

1. Fiscal, tax, financial, and other key reforms were deepened. The central government cut, by one third, the number of items for which special transfer payments ate permitted, while scaling up its general transfer payments. Steady progress was made in replacing business tax with VAT. Ad valorem taxation was extended to cover more types of resource taxes. The upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates was removed; the deposit insurance system was introduced, and the RMB cross-border payment: system was established. Pricing reform was intensified, with the number of central government set prices reduced by 80% and the number of local government set prices cut by more than 50%. We carried out state-owned enterprise (SOE) reforms, rural reforms, and investment and financing reforms, ecological management reforms, and others. Efforts to intensify reform in all respects are beginning to deliver results. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.

2. 加快财税体制改革。合理确定增值税中央和地方分享比例。把适合作为地方收入的税种下划给地方,在税政管理权限方面给地方适当放权。进一步压缩中央专项转移支付规模,今年一般性转移支付规模增长12. 2%。全面推开资源税从价计征改革。依法实施税收征管。建立规范的地方政府举债融资机制,对财政实力强、债务风险较低的,按法定程序适当增加债务限额。各级政府要坚持过紧日子,把每一笔钱都花在明处、用在实处。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

2. Fiscal and tax reforms will be stepped up. We will work toward ensuring that the central and local governments receive an appropriate share of VAT revenue. Taxes suitable as sources of local government revenue will be handed over to local governments along with the corresponding administrative powers. Central government special transfer payments to local governments will be further reduced, while this yearns general transfer payments will be increased by 12. 2%. We will extend ad valorem rates to all resource taxes. We will promote the law-based administration of tax collection. We will establish a well-regulated mechanism for local governments to secure financing through bond issuance and make moderate upward adjustments to debt ceilings for local governments with strong financial resources and low debt risks through statutory procedures. Governments at all levels must tighten their belts and spend every sum of money where it can be seen and where it’s most needed. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.


本文通过一个均等化转移支付条件下的地方财政支出决策模型,对地方财 政支出选择中的各种基本因素作了简单分析,并利用分税制改革以来的省级面板数据,检 验了地方财政资金再分配地位与地方公共支出结构的关系特征。实证分析发现: 我国目 前的转移支付制度不仅会带来地方财政支出的粘蝇纸效应; 而且地方政府的财力改善后, 还可能通过调整现有的财政支出结构,偏离转移支付的基本公共服务均等化目标,即存在 地方财政支出的可替换效应; 分区域的分析还表明,越是经济欠发达的财政资金净流入地 区,地方政府对基本建设、行政管理支出项目的诉求越强烈。本文的研究意味着在地区间 财政分配制度改革过程中,不仅要规范转移支付资金的分配程序,更重要的是应强化地方 财政决策的监督机制。 ——“均等化转移支付与地方财政支出结构”,载于《经济研究》,2012年05期
This paper explores the main affecting factors of local government expenditures through a simple model of local fiscal expenditure decision under the condition of intergovernmental fiscal equalization. Using a panel data set from 1995 to 2006,we study the incentive properties of transfer payment on the fiscal expenditure behaviors of local governments. The findings indicate that transfer payment not only bring about flypaper effect, but also lead to the fungible problem among local public expenditures. That means the local government pursues more productive fiscal expenditure and deviates from the responsibility of provision of basic public goods. For the local governments in underdeveloped areas, the analysis also shows it will pursue more expenditure of capital construction and administrative expenses, after obtaining more redistributing fiscal funds. This study suggests building fiscal equalization redistributio





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