

字词 英雄主义




Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 194.






1. 但是,同志们,事情还是完全可以挽回的!对目前事业丧失信心,不过是很少的例外。迷恋于恐怖手段,不过是一时的情绪。愿社会民主党人的队伍能更紧密地团结起来,我们要把革命者的战斗组织同俄国无产阶级的群众英雄主义结成一个整体!——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:398

1. But things can still be put to rights, comrades! Loss of faith in a real cause is the rare exception rather than the rule. The urge to commit terrorist acts is a passing mood. Then let the Social-Democrats close their ranks, and we shall fuse the militant organisation of revolutionaries and the mass heroism of the Russian proletariat into a single whole! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 194.

2. 然而,马克思不仅是为“冲天的”(他的用语)公社战士的英雄主义感到欢欣鼓舞,他还从这次群众性的革命运动(虽然它没有达到目的)中看到了有极重大意义的历史经验,看到了全世界无产阶级革命的一定进步,看到了比几百种纲领和议论更为重要的实际步骤。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1985:34

2. Marx, however, was not only enthusiastic about the heroism of the Communards, who, as he expressed it, “stormed heaven”. Although the mass revolutionary movement did not achieve its aim, he regarded it as a historic experience of enormous importance, as a certain advance of the world proletarian revolution, as a practical step that was more important than hundreds of programmes and arguments. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 418-419.

3. 它之所以不可战胜,是因为疯狂的帝国主义的每一次打击,国际资产阶级使我们遭受的每一次失败,都会激励更多的工人和农民起来斗争,使他们从惨重的牺牲中受到教育,使他们受到锻炼,激发起新的群众性的英雄主义。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:62

3. It is invincible because every blow struck by frenzied imperialism, every defeat the international bourgeoisie inflict on us, rouses more and more sections of the workers and peasants to the struggle, teaches them at the cost of enormous sacrifice, steels them and engenders new heroism on a mass scale. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 74.


例句 1:
Carlyle’s heroism is pessimistic and radical to a certain degree. However, it has greater force and influence on his contemporary society. Comparatively speaking, Emerson’s individualism is optimistic and more moderate.

例句 2:
In the article proved the dreary armed forces new heroism spirit to scrupulously follow 54 intellectual independent moral character and the energetic standpoint function and the influence to it; Had pointed out "Cultural Newspaper" on New Culture Movement's essence is "the new initiation practice"; Has analyzed "Cultural Newspaper" literary production and esthetics contribution; Has discussed two newspaper debate's subjective and objective reason. Finally draws the conclusion, to Xiao dun and "Cultural Newspaper" the critique, is the party to intellectual's further transformation, is the Yanan literature to the Northeast region literature transformation.

例句 3:





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