

字词 自然主义




Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 151.






1. 这三个哲学理论逻辑建构的主要语境是这样交替出现的:第一个时期(不包括青年马克思在转向唯物主义之前的史前时期,即1837—1842年),马克思仍然处于德国古典哲学的传统构架中,此时马克思的支配性理论构架是费尔巴哈式的人本主义话语体系。但马克思初步对经济学进行研究所取得的成果,使他已经大大超出费尔巴哈的自然主义和黑格尔的思辨唯心主义,也超出了青年恩格斯、赫斯和蒲鲁东的一般经济学哲学批判,形成了独特的人本学劳动异化理论即人本主义社会现象学。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:22

1. The primary context of these three philosophical theoretical logic structures developed as follows: In the first time period (not including 1837-1842, the time before young Marx turned to materialism), Marx still operated within the traditional framework of classical German philosophy. At this time, the dominant theoretical framework guiding Marx’s thoughts was a Feuerbachian humanist discourse system. However, Marx’s earliest achievements in economics research already allowed him to greatly exceed Feuerbach’s naturalism and Hegel’s speculative idealism, as well as surpass the general economic-philosophical critiques of young Engels, Hess, and Proudhon, forming a unique humanist labor alienation theory-humanist social phenomenology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: XXXVIII.

2. 在这一点上,我同意日本马克思主义哲学家广松涉的分析。以广松涉的研究成果,在马克思1844年的劳动异化理论中,虽然他已经开始试图以“人本主义与自然主义相统一的类本质”去替代黑格尔主义“主体一客体”同一逻辑框架中的绝对观念,但这仍然是非科学的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:203-204

2. At this point I find myself more in agreement with the analysis of Japanese Marxist scholar Hiromatsu Wataru. According to Hiromatsu’s findings, in Marx’s labor theory of alienation in 1844, although Marx had already begun trying to use “humans” (the species-essence of the unity of humanism and naturalism) to replace the Absolute Idea in the logical framework of the unification of “subject/object” in Hegel’s philosophy, this was still an unscientific process. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 151.

3. 在社会中进行生产的个人,——因而,这些个人的一定社会性质的生产,当然是出发点。被斯密和李嘉图当作出发点的单个的孤立的猎人和渔夫,属于十八世纪的缺乏想象力的虚构,这是鲁滨逊一类的故事,这类故事决不象文化史家想象的那样,不过表示对极度文明的反动和要回到被误解了的自然生活中去。这同卢梭的通过契约来建立天生独立的主体之间的相互关系和联系的社会契约论一样,也不是以这种自然主义为基础的。这是假象,只是大大小小的鲁滨逊一类故事所造成的美学上的假象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:18

3. Individuals producing in a society—hence the socially determined production by individuals is of course the point of departure. The individual and isolated hunter and fisherman, who serves Adam Smith and Ricardo as a starting point, is one of the unimaginative fantasies of the 18th century. Robinsonades which, contrary to the fancies of the historians of civilisation, by no means signify simply a reaction against over-refinement and a reversion to a misconceived natural life. No more is Rousseau's contrat socials which by means of a contract establishes a relationship and connection between subjects that are by nature independent, based on this kind of naturalism. This is an illusion and nothing but the aesthetic illusion of the small and big Robinsonades. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 17.


例句 1:
Marx discussed the unification of naturalism and humanism from the view that the ideal social nature is the humanized nature.

例句 2:
Phenomenology of productive relations in Das Capital not only defeated capitalist economics and overcame the naturalism of people involved in the capitalist mode of production, unveiling the nature of productive relations that make various economic phenomena possible, but also logically revealed the real life process of productive relations in manifesting and developing itself by means of material determinations. It also clarified the root of naturalism in economics.

例句 3:
In fact, his theories cover a broad range. He profoundly criticizes naturalism and ecological balance theory, and his criticism is greatly referential for our study of Global Warming and historical materialism.





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