

字词 不均衡




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 108.


不均衡即“不平衡”,最直接的含义被看成是“力量的不平衡”,或者用来表示有内在“变革倾向”的一种状态。在哲学上,不均衡指事物矛盾群中的多个矛盾以及矛盾的各个方面在事物发展中的地位、作用及发展趋势是不同的。不均衡性有主要矛盾和非主要矛盾、矛盾的主要方面和非主要方面。这种矛盾力量的不均衡性,是矛盾特殊性的重要表现(金炳华,2003:254)。在经济学中,不均衡经济学家物理学中借鉴并发展出来的一个概念,是相对于瓦尔拉均衡而言的。瓦尔拉均衡(Viola equilibrium)是假设存在着完善的市场和灵敏的价格体系条件下所达到的均衡状态。而不均衡是指不存在完善的市场和灵敏的价格体系条件下所达到的均衡状态,因而又被称作非瓦尔拉均衡(张李节,2005:46)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 张李节.中国经济增长潜力研究——论中国经济增长的不均衡[D].中共中央党校博士研究生学位论文,2005.


1. 1917 年后期,布尔什维克党力量弱小而且其组织毫无效用。某些像普列奥布拉任斯基(Preobrazhensky)那样的布尔什维克甚至提出,要把党融化到苏维埃里面去。但是,正如利布曼(Liebman)所言:新政权的民众基础缩小了,苏维埃民主更加徒具形式;与此相反,党由于更加紧密团结而更坚忍地克服了种种社会政治困难,增强了它的威信,并重新确立起先前有利于自己的不平衡地位。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:100

1. In late 1917 the Bolshevik Party was small and its organisation ineffective. Some Bolsheviks, such as Preobrazhensky, even suggested that the Party be dissolved in the Soviets. But, as Liebman says, in proportion as the popular basis of the new regime got smaller and Soviet democracy became more formal, the Party, which offered a firmer resistance to social and political difficulties thanks to its greater cohesion, reinforced its authority and reestablished to its own advantage the previous disequilibrium. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 108.

2. 不平衡是宇宙的客观规律,事物总是从不平衡走向平衡,又从平衡走向不平衡,循环不已……而每次循环都达到一个更高的水平。不平衡永远是绝对的,平衡是暂时的,相对的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:232-233

2. Disequilibrium is a universal objective law. Things for ever proceed from disequilibrium to equi1ibrium and from equi1ibrium to disequilibrium, in endless cycles..., but each cycle reaches a higher level. Disequi1ibrium is constant and absolute equilibrium is temporary and relative. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 243.


例句 1:
A comparative analysis is carried on among the indexes. It concludes as following: the eco-civilization construction among provonces is in a state of unbalance, that is, from a low-level equilibrium or disequilibrium to a high-level equilibrium or disequilibrium. The commonality and diversity are two important indicators for the evaluation. However, it is difficult to tell how much can be achieved by economic and social efforts.

例句 2:
Information asymmetry means disequilibrium information state between doctors and the patients.

例句 3:
This paper analyzes the so-called Neo-liberal reforms of Argentina during the period of 1989-2001. It believes that the disequilibrium between economy and politics should be the underlying cause that plunged the developing countries into the economic troubles in the modernization process.





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