

字词 绥靖主义(又作绥靖政策)


pacifism; appeasement policy


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Translated by Rodney Livingstone. Cambridge: The Mit Press, 1971: 288.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 377.
[3] Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1978: 369.




[1] 何耀华.评二三十年代的西方绥靖主义[J].吉林大学社会科学学报,1978(03).
[2] 许征帆.马克思主义辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1987.
[3] 林崇德,姜璐,王德胜.中国成人教育百科全书·政治·法律[Z].南海出版公司,1992.
[4] 朱州. 绥靖主义——一面历史的镜子[J].世界知识,1980(07).


1. 随着世界大战的爆发,随着国内战争的发生,这个过去的“理论”问题变成了非常迫切的实际问题。组织问题变成了政局策略之一。孟什维主义的问题成了对无产阶级革命生命攸关的问题。帝国主义资产阶级在1914年动员时期对整个第二国际轻易取得胜利,并且能够在大战期间扩大和巩固这一胜利,不可能被理解为 “不幸”或者只是“背叛”的后果等。如果革命的工人运动想要从这一失败中恢复过来,并旦甚至把这一失败变成为未来胜利战斗的基础,那么它就绝对必须联系工人运动的历史来考察这一失败,这一“背叛”:那对就必须承认社会沙文主义和绥靖主义等乃是机会主义的逻辑延伸。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:378

1. With the outbreak of the World War, with the emergence of the civil war this quondam ‘theoretical’ question became a burn-issue in practice. The problem of organisation was concerted into of political tactics. The problem of Menshevism became the crucial issue for the proletarian revolution. The walkover victory gained by the imperialist bourgeoisie over the whole of the Second International in the period of mobilisation in 1914, and the fact that this victory could be extended and consolidated during the World War, cannot possibly be understood as a ‘misfortune’ or as the inevitable consequence of ‘betrayal’. If the revolutionary workers movement wished to recover from this defeat and even turn it into the foundation of the victorious battles still to come it was absolutely essential for it to see this failure, this ‘betrayal in the context of the history of the workers’ movement; social chauvinism and pacifism, etc. , would have then to be recognised as logical extensions of opportunism. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 287-288.

2. 扼杀革命,侵占和瓜分世界各国,—这就是继续进行帝国主义战争的协约国给自己提出的任务。英国和美国所遭到的战祸比德国轻得多,两个国家按民主方式组织起来的资产阶级也远比德国资产阶级有眼光,但英美帝国主义者已经失去理智,现在迫于客观形势不得不担负力不胜任的任务,不得不保持军队以备绥靖和镇压的需要。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:391

2. The tasks that the Entente powers, who are continuing the imperialist war, have set themselves are to stifle revolution and to seize and divide up all countries of the world. But although Britain and America have been more exempt from the horrors of war than Germany, and although their democratically organised bourgeoisie are much more far-sighted than the German, the British and American imperialists have lost their heads and are now compelled by objective conditions to undertake a task that is beyond their power. They are being forced to maintain troops for purposes of pacification and suppression. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 377.

3. 战争在各国关系中造成了新的局面。它给这些关系带来了惊慌和怀疑的气氛。战争破坏了战后和平制度的基础,推翻了国际法的起码概念,从而使国际条约和国际义务的价值发生问题。和平主义和裁军方案己经被埋葬了。代替它们的是武装的狂热。所有的大小国家,其中首先包括实行不干涉政策的国家,都开始武装起来了。所谓慕尼黑会议对侵略者所作的让步和慕尼黑协定似乎开辟了“绥靖”新纪元的甜言蜜语,现在谁也不再相信了。连参加慕尼黑协定的英国和法国本身也不相信这些甜言蜜语了,它们加强自己的武装并不亚于其他国家。——《斯大林全集(第十四卷)》,2015:230

3. The war has created a new situation with regard to the relations between countries. It has enveloped them in an atmosphere of alarm and uncertainty. By undermining the post-war peace regime and overriding the elementary principles of international law, it has cast doubt on the value of international treaties and obligations. Pacifism and disarmament schemes are dead and buried. Feverish arming has taken their place. Everybody is arming, small states and big states, including primarily those which practise the policy of non--intervention. Nobody believes any longer in the unctuous speeches which claim that the Munich concessions to the aggressors and the Munich agreement opened a new era of “appeasement.” They are disbelieved even by the signatories to the Munich agreement, Britain and France, who are increasing their armaments no less than other countries. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14), 1978: 369.


例句 1:
The traditional philosophy of struggle and the consequences of appeasement in the historical process of human development has been a profound understanding. Symbiotic thinking in the traditional cultural resources and rational philosophy, not deprivation, deprivation of human learning how to practice with others in the symbiotic co-existence and common access to progress.

例句 2:
Russell’s non-absolute pacifism was eventually established during the mid-1930s and 1945. He supported the policy of appeasement in 1930s and claimed to approve the war against Nazi Germany. It will be fruitful to understand his non-absolute pacifism through the research on this chapter of history.

例句 3:
From 1935 to 1938,Fascist aggression raged across the world,however western countries still pursued a policy of





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