

字词 统计方法


statistical method; method of statistics; statistical methodology


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:408.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 7.
[3] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 15.


统计方法是指运用数学工具收集、整理、分析和解释统计数据,并对其所反映的问题作出一定结论,揭示事物随机现象规律性的方法。统计方法是一种从微观结构上来研究物质的宏观性质及其规律的独特的方法(统计方法.via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%BB%9F%E8%AE%A1%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95/10694433?fr=aladdin)。自然界许多系统,就其微观水平看,各组成部分表现为大量无规则的、偶然性或随机性的运动,但就其宏观的或整体水平看,则表现为一种严格的非偶然的规律性的运动,因此可用统计方法研究和分析这种随机现象的某些数量指标的分布或其平均值,找出各类指标间的相互关系,以探明其中的规律性。统计方法包括统计平均值、抽样统计(从总体中抽出部分对象加以统计)、统计推理(由样本具有的某些属性推出总体具有的某些属性)等。它从系统的不确定活动中寻求其相对确定的状态,从系统的大量偶然性事件中寻求其必然性法则,体现了事物随机性与确定性、偶然性与必然性相统一的辩证关系。它在近代和现代自然科学理论的发展中起了重要作用。在19世纪,波尔兹曼、吉布斯、麦克斯韦等人用统计方法研究分子运动,揭示了微观粒子系统概率规律即统计规律,推动了热力学理论的发展,打破了自17世纪以来牛顿力学的机械决定论占统治地位的局面。20世纪20年代,统计方法应用于量子力学,用几率波概念描述了微观粒子的波动状态,更深刻地统一了微观粒子波粒二像性。19世纪,统计方法应用于生物学后,使该学科研究工作向定量化、精确化方向发展。孟德尔、摩尔根等人用统计方法研究生物的遗传与进化,发展了传递遗传学和细胞遗传学(金炳华,2003:448)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 统计方法.via:


1. 萨伊还提出,在政治经济学对社会现象的分析中不能简单运用数学统计方法,因为在社会生活中还存在一些无法被计算的“人类才能、需要和欲望的影响”,否则,就会使社会现象在我们的“算计”中“失去原来的复杂性”,使政治经济学成为一种“抽象理论”。这种论点表明,资产阶级政治经济学在其唯物主义前提上具有一种学科上的自觉性,但我认为这并不是哲学方法论上真正的自觉意识。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:31

1. Say asserts that political economists should not merely rely on methods of statistics in analyzing social phenomena. This is because in social life there exist the unmeasurable “influence of human talents, needs, and desires”; by choosing to simply use statistics in analysis, we would “lose the original complexity” of social phenomena through our “calculations,” causing political economy to become an “abstract theory. I believe that in terms of the materialist premise of bourgeois political economy, the point Say makes here has a certain degree of intuition, though this is not a truly intuitive consciousness in terms of philosophical methodology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 7.

2. 尽管从统计方法学来说要求把收集资料所遵循的纲要加以公布,然而在《索引》的《序言》中我们却看不到附有说明的详细纲要。从下面对于《索引》的材料所作的分析中我们可以看出,工厂统计的一些基本的纲要问题仍旧模糊不清。至于材料审核的问题,请看赫尔松省实际做审核工作的工厂视察长米库林先生的评论(他出过一本书,该书整理了按照新的制度收集的赫尔松省的材料)。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:89

2. The detailed programme with an explanation is not published in the introduction to the List although statistical methodology requires the publication of the programme according to which the data were gathered. We shall see from the following analysis of the List material that the basic questions of programme for factory statistics still remain entirely unclarified. With regard to checking the data, here is a statement by a person engaged in the practical side of this process--Mr. Mikulin, Senior Factory Inspector of Kherson Gubernia, who has published a book containing an analysis of statistical data gathered according to the new system in Kherson Gubernia. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 15-16.


例句 1:
This study analyzed the personality variables with the Factor analysis procedure. It is a kind of multivariate statistic technique that is often used in data reduction to identify a small number of potential factors in a much larger number of manifest variables.

例句 2:
Scan statistics have several features: it could scan in both space and time at the same time; detection window could be dynamically changed; it could perform perspective analysis. Due to these facts, it has great potential in crime research field. Some researches show that scan statistics is better than other methods in detecting hotspots.

例句 3:
The research status and characteristics of crowd counting algorithms are detailed analyzed at first. Then, these methods are classified and summarized. The crowd counting methods based on surveillance videos could be classified into two types, which are the method based on ta





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