

字词 等级制(度)


estates-system; social estates; hierarchy


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 55.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol.2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 360.


等级制(度)是前资本主义时代(从奴隶社会到封建社会)划分社会集团的制度。等级的划分是以阶级分化为基础的,是阶级差别的一种形式。划分等级是一定的社会集团。社会中不同等级成员的不同权利、义务及加入或排除于某等级的条件,都是由国家法定的。等级身份一般是世袭的;个别成员的身份有时因战功、贡纳或罪罚等而升降。等级制度的实质是法律规定了的人与人之间的不平等;上下等级之间一般是统治与隶属关系,它起着稳定统治秩序和保证统治集团利益的作用。在不同国家的不同历史时期,等级划分方式各有不同,或者取决于政治地位,或者取决于宗教神职,或者取决于职业差别、民族差别、血统关系、门第门阀等(等级制度.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=DiNlhNlFquDveDbpex35iPKsrDYox9m0tZWxXwiU1KmrhzucOJnHi14zvIMhpAWHJmqTAcIt82DJhUwU-pctxK)。在欧洲,有贵族、骑士、平民和奴隶等级。在中世纪的法国,城乡居民因职业、生活方式和社会地位不同而彼此隔绝。到11~12世纪间,教士、武士和平民三部分人逐渐固定下来,形成教会贵族、世俗贵族和市民三个等级。前二者被称为第一、二等级,市民等级即第三等级。在这些等级之下是广大农奴。这种社会结构是法国中央集权的封建专制国家的基础。1302年,国王首次召开了有三个等级代表参加的三级会议,在14~15世纪,这种等级会议在政治中有重要地位。中世纪西欧其他各国,国王之下也大都存在教士、贵族和市民三个等级(等级制度.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=DiNlhNlFquDveDbpex35iPKsrDYox9m0tZWxXwiU1KmrhzucOJnHi14zvIMhpAWHJmqTAcIt82DJhUwU-pctxK)。




1. 资产阶级的胜利意味着等级制的取消,只有资产阶级的统治才使社会划分为纯粹的独一无二的阶级这样一种社会制度成为可能。(有些国家在资本主义时代仍残存着封建等级制,但这一点也不影响这一论断的基本正确性。)——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:110

1. In contrast to this, the rule of the bourgeoisie means the abolition of the estates-system and this leads to the organization of society along class lines. (In many countries vestiges of the feudal system still survive, but this does not detract from the validity of this observation.) -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: 55.

2. 因此,总却说来,手工业调查重犯了民粹派把农村(“手工业者”)与城市分开的通病,而无视某个工业区总是包括一个城市及其附近乡村的事实。这种由于偏见和夸大过时了的等级制壁障而把农村与城市分开的做法,早就应该抛弃了。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:238

2. On the whole, therefore, the handicraft census repeats the usual Narodnik mistake of separating the country (“handicraftsmen”) from the town, although often enough an industrial district embraces a town and the surrounding villages. It is high time to abandon this distinction, which is due to prejudice and an exaggeration of outdated divisions into social estates. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1977: 360.

3. 南俄采矿工业区在许多方面和乌拉尔正好相反。乌拉尔是古老的,在乌拉尔盛行的制度是“万古神圣的”,而南俄却是年轻的,正处于形成期。最近几十年来这里生长起来的纯粹资本主义的工业,既没有传统和等级制度,也没有民族性与固定居民的闭关自守性。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:448

3. The mining area in the South is in many respects the very opposite of the Urals. The South is in the period of formation and is as young as the Urals are old and the system prevailing there “time-hallowed.” The purely capitalist industry which has arisen here during recent decades recognises no traditions, no social-estate or national divisions, no seclusion of definite sections of the population. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 489.


例句 1:
A hierarchical system was born from the original equality in human society. How and in which way such evolution has taken place is a key question for the theory of phylogenetics of state.

例句 2:
There is a long history of obsession of hierarchy in China, which is very important in ancient Chinese society, no matter Patriarchal level or Feudal hierarchy; they both had great influence on the Chinese society and history.

例句 3:
When the Warring States era arrived, the social and political hierarchy established during the Western Zhou Dynasty saw a total disintegration. The new generation of thinkers either showed sympathy for skilled labor, or came from craftsman families in their own names. This historical change was a direct cause for the deepening of thinking on technological ideology.





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