

字词 社会管理      

社会管理      【英】

social management








1. 社会建设取得新进步。基本公共服务水平和均等化程度明显提高。教育事业迅速发展,城乡免费义务教育全面实现。社会保障体系建设成效显著,城乡基本养老保险制度全面建立,新型社会救助体系基本形成。全民医保基本实现,城乡基本医疗卫生制度初步建立。保障性住房建设加快推进。加强和创新社会管理,社会保持和谐稳定。——《坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进为全面建成小康社会而奋斗——在中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会上的报告》,2012

1. Fresh progress has been made in social development. Basic public services have improved markedly, and access to them has become much more equitable. Education has developed rapidly, and free compulsory education is now available in all urban and rural areas. Marked progress has been made in developing the social security system; the basic old-age insurance system covering both the urban and rural population has been fully established, and a new type of social assistance system is taking shape. The whole population is now basically covered by medical insurance; the basic urban and rural healthcare systems are taking shape. Construction of low-income housing has been accelerated. We have strengthened and made innovations in social management and maintained social harmony and stability. -Quoted from Firmly March on the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive to complete the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Aspects--Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2012.

2. (九)维护社会稳定。完成改革和发展的繁重任务,必须保持长期和谐稳定的社会环境。各级党委和政府要满腔热情地解决人民群众工作和生活中的实际问题。要深入调查研究,区别不同情况,加强思想政治工作,正确运用经济、行政和法律等手段,妥善处理人民内部矛盾特别是涉及群众切身利益的矛盾,保持安定团结的局面。加强政法工作,依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动,坚决扫除社会丑恶现象,切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。坚持打防结合、预防为主,落实社会治安综合治理的各项措施,改进社会管理,保持良好的社会秩序。加强国家安全工作,警惕国际国内敌对势力的渗透、颠覆和分裂活动。——《江泽民在党的十六大上所作的报告》,2002

2. 9. Maintain social stability. To accomplish the heavy tasks of reform and development, we must have a harmonious and stable social climate for a long time to come. Party committees and governments at all levels should enthusiastically help the people solve practical problems they may confront in their work and life. They must carry out in-depth investigations and study, strengthen ideological and political work in light of different cases, and employ economic, administrative and legal means to handle the contradictions among the people properly, those involving their immediate interests in particular, so as to maintain stability and unity. It is essential to improve procuratorial, judicial and public security work, cracking down on criminal activities according to law, guarding against and punishing crimes committed by evil cult gangs and eliminating social evils so as to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people. We must combine punishment and prevention, with emphasis on the latter, take comprehensive measures to maintain law and order and improve social management so as to keep public order. We must strengthen state security, keeping vigilance against infiltrative, subversive and separatist activities by hostile forces at home and abroad. -Quoted from Jiang Zemin's report at 16th Party congress, 2002.

3. 最后,尔·姆·没有指出现代社会主义提出的实现社会主义的方法即由有组织的无产阶 级夺取政权,而只是说把生产转归他们(工人)进行社会管理或由民主化的社会政权管理,而社会政权民主化的“方法是让他们〈工人〉积极参与工厂的一切事务会议,参加仲裁法庭,参加一切制定有关工人的法律的各种会议和委员会,参加社会自治机关,以及参加国家的总的代表机关”。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:230

3. Lastly, instead of indicating the means modern socialism advances for the achievement of socialism-the winning of political power by the organised proletariat-instead of this, R. M. speaks only of placing production under their (the workers’) social management or under the management of democratised social power, democratised “by their [the workers] active participation on boards examining all kinds of factory affairs, in courts of arbitration, in all possible assemblies, commissions, and conferences for the elaboration of labour laws; by the workers’ participation in public self-government, and, lastly, in the country's general representative institution.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 276.


例句 1:
At present, the CPC central committee and the state council has made the important deployment of strengthening the innovation of social management. On one hand, it  puts forward higher requirements to the actual effect of ideological and political  work in the new period. On the other hand, it provides new platform and direction  for the innovation and development of ideological and political work.

例句 2:
In the background of socialist country under the rule of law, rule of law is the inevitable trend of the development of China's social management innovation. The innovation pattern of eighteen reports of social management of the party clearly put forward the proposition of "rule of law". According to the basic requirements of the rule of law, rule of law and social management innovation requires not only the legal system of social management innovation itself is a good law, namely, from form to content are in line with the req





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