

字词 社会主义基本经济规律


the basic economic law of socialism; the fundamental economic law of socialism


[1] The basic economic law of socialism. via: https://www.marxists.org/subject/economy/authors/pe/pe-ch29.htm
[2] Fundamental Economic Law of Socialism.via:http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Fundamental+Economic+Law+of+Socialism






1. 在《社会改良还是革命?》中,她就已经谈到了工会活动和政治斗争的重要性,因为,“通过这些活动和斗争,无产阶级的觉悟即意识就成为社会主义的,无产阶级就被组织成一个阶级了”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:44

1. Already in Social Reform or Revolution she had talked of the importance of trade union activity and political struggle in that ‘through them the awareness, the consciousness, of the proletariat becomes socialist, and it is organised as a class’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 49.

2. 与以往的解读背景不同,我独立提出了这样一个观点,即资产阶级早期政治经济学特别是古典经济学的隐性哲学前提,正是在社会生活中承认物质生产的基础地位并抽象出客观社会关系和经济规律的社会唯物主义。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:4

2. Unlike past interpretive approaches, I have independently advanced the viewpoint that early bourgeois political economy, especially the latent philosophical premise of classical economics, recognized the fundamental place of material production in social life. These disciplines abstracted social materialism, a study of objective social relationships and economic laws. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xvii.

3. 综上所述,在黑格尔看来,市民社会是由一种交换中自发的联结建构而成的,人们的劳动生产为社会提供帮助的缘由不是利他,而是利己!需要并不是直接从具有需要的人那里产生出来的,它倒是由那些企图从中获得利润的人制造出来的。这种看法几乎是斯密类似观点的重写。因为在古典经济学中,私有制条件下的个人在自由竞争中自发地形成相互的关联,个人是被动的,这样才有自然性的经济规律。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:81-82

3. To summarize the points I made in the preceding paragraphs, for Hegel, the civil society is an arbitrary union of exchange. Man’s labor does not provide aid to society for altruistic reasons, but rather exceedingly selfish ones. Need is not directly derived from people who have need, but rather created by people who try to obtain profit from it. This view seems to be a simple copy of Smith’s similar argument. This is because in classical economics, individuals, under conditions of private ownership of property, arbitrarily form mutual relations in free competition. Individuals are passive; only then can there be natural economic laws. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 50.


例句 1:
文章提出需求规律是社会主义的基本经济规律,合力规律、利润规律、价值规律是辅助规律。提高大多数人的消费能力,调整利益分配,缩小收入差别,扩大就业,把人们对收入的竞争转到科技创新上来,使企业将降低成本转到节能减排上来,形成集体主义的发展科技的社会合力,使国民经济实现又好又快发展。——“认识四大经济规律 促进科学发展”,载于《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2008年第1期
In this paper, it is pointed out that the principle of needs is the basic economic principle of socialism while the principles of concerted efforts, profit and value are subsidiary ones, and that scientific and technologic development would not cause unemployment in society. Therefore, it is imperative that concerted efforts for developing science and technology should be made to ensure the smooth and rapid advancement of national economy by utilizing economic levers, regulating social benefits allotment, expanding employment, narrowing income differences, transforming people’s contest of incomes to innovations in science and technology and by transferring enterprises’ reduction of production costs to energy-saving and pollution decrease.

例句 2:
The Fifth Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China creatively puts forward five concepts of development based on the experi





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