字词 | 理念逻辑 |
释义 | 理念逻辑【英】idea logic译文来源Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 240. 定义在黑格尔哲学中,逻辑范畴作为绝对理念,逻辑上正是先在的东西,自然界和人类社会不过是绝对理念外化和异在的形式(杨学功,2011:210)。为此,黑格尔以本体逻辑、主观逻辑、理念学说为基本思路,以对存在学说、本质学说、概念、判断、推理以及生命理念、认识理念和绝对理念的探讨为基本内容,形成了完整的逻辑学的逻辑体系,即理念逻辑(韩秋红,2010:289)。 定义来源[1] 杨学功.传统本体论哲学批判——对马克思哲学变革实质的一种理解[M].人民出版社,2011. 例句1. 原来在黑格尔那里是观念构建世界,在理念逻辑沉沦为自然之后,新生出来的人不过是观念神在一个更高的社会历史行进中,假手劳动对象化和外化出去的工具,但最终“人”被揭穿为理念的高级外壳,异化和对象化的共同扬弃是在绝对观念中完成的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:314 1. For Hegel, in the beginning, the idea structures the world. After the idea logic falls and becomes nature, newly born man is nothing but a tool in a higher level of social historical progression that the idea god uses to realize itself in labor objectification and alienation. Man is revealed as the highest shell of the idea and the dual transcendence of estrangement and objectification is accomplished in the Absolute Idea. –Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 240. |
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