

字词 济贫法


Poor Law; the poor law; the poverty law


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 12) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1979: 189.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 142.
[3] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:599.


英国圈地运动之后,社会不稳定因素加剧,1601年英国王室通过一项新的法案,即《济贫法》。英国向贫民提供救济的法律。16世纪开始各地教区负责济民,从1572年起征税提供济贫费用,1576、1598年和1601年颁布法案使其进一步制度化。1834年的济贫法修正案取消室外施舍,规定寻求救济者必须进入济贫院(workhouse)。1947年取消了济贫法制度。参见“斯品汉姆兰制度”(Speenhamland system),“社会保障”(social security)(艾伦·艾萨克斯,2002:940)。




1. 一直到1834年,他去世以前不久,在颁布了新的济贫法之后,他才开始猜测到,现在的工业巨头如同大地主、银行家、国家债权人以及英国国教教会的僧侣一样,都是与人民为敌的。如果说,威廉·科贝特是现代宪章运动者的先驱,那末在另一方面,而且在更大的程度上,他又是个顽固的约翰牛。他是大不列颠的最保守又最激进的人物;他是古老的英国最纯真的化身,同时又是年青的英国最勇敢的预告者。—— 《马克思恩格斯全集(第九卷)》,1977:214

1. It was not until 1834, shortly before his death, after the establishment of the new Poor Law, that William Cobbett began to suspect the existence of a millocracy as hostile to the mass of the people, as landlords, banklords, public creditors, and the clergymen of the Established Church. If William Cobbett was thus, on one hand, an anticipated modern Chartist, he was, on the other hand, and much more, an inveterate John Bull. He was at once the most conservative and the most destructive man of Great Britain—the purest incarnation of Old England and the most audacious initiator of Young England. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1979: 189.

2. 马克思的这个摘录分为两个部分:其一是劳动者贫困状况的实例。在马克思的摘录中,他主导性的意向得到了具体的证实,即大多数劳动者的贫困与少数私有者手中的财富的积聚相关联,“贫困及其后果是财富的代价”。 他甚至注意到毕莱论著最后一章中关于绝对贫困化与相对贫困化的研究。其二是评价资产阶级统治者对劳动者贫困的政策,即从第一个济贫法到19世纪40年代的相应措施。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 192

2. Marx divides these excerpts into two sections: first, examples of the poverty of workers. In Marx’s excerpts, his dominant theoretical intentions are confirmed: the poverty of the vast number of workers is connected to the wealth accumulated by a minority of capitalists. He writes that “the price of wealth is the consequence of poverty”. He even remarks that at the end of Buret’s work, there is a chapter containing a study of absolute impoverishment and relative impoverishment. The second section of excerpts contains evaluations of the policies undertaken by the ruling bourgeoisie towards the laboring poor. This section contains an analysis of the first Poor Law up until the measures taken to alleviate poverty in the 1840s. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 142.

3. 因为他自己就是一个爱尔兰的大地主,所以他想使人保持一种错觉,好像除了解放天主教徒就别无他法来消除爱尔兰的灾难,好像解放天主教徒能医治爱尔兰不住在本地的大地主所造成的苦难,并且能代替济贫法。(下院,1829年3月18日)—— 《马克思恩格斯全集(第九卷)》,1977:396

3. Being himself one of the great Irish proprietors, he wanted to entertain the delusion, that other remedies for Irish evils than Catholic Emancipation are impossible, that it would cure absenteeism, and prove a substitute for Poor Laws.—(House of Commons, March 18, 1829.) -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1979: 351.


例句 1:
The New Poor Law gives the English society deep effect. The viewpoint about it is a controversy problem. To appraise it rightly, we have to release objectively the cruelty of the New Poor Law, the improvement of the New Poor Law and workhouse, and the relation between the relief in - workhouse and out - workhouse.

例句 2:
英国的社会反贫困事业历史悠久,经历了旧济贫法(Old Poor Law)时代、新济贫法(New Poor Law)时代和福利国家时代,形成了完善的、健全的社会反贫困制度体系。——“英国济贫法的历史演变对中国反贫困制度内核修复的启示”,载于《海派经济学》2012年02期

例句 3:





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