

字词 普遍 

普遍 【英】



[2]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 504.






1. 或者换句话说,即在一定的、当然不以意志为转移的生产方式内,总有某些异己的、不仅不以分散的个人而且也不以他们的总和为转移的实际力量统治着人们。在这种条件下,“个人关系向它的对立面即向纯粹的物的关系的转变,个人自己对个性和偶然性的区分,这正如我们已经指出的,是一个历史过程,它在发展的不同阶段上具有不同的、日益尖锐的和普遍的形式。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:438

1. Under these conditions, “The transformation of the individual relationship into its opposite, a purely material relationship, the distinction of individuality and fortuity by the individuals themselves, is a historical process, as we have already shown, and at different stages of development it assumes different, ever sharper and more universal forms. In the present epoch, the domination of material relations over individuals, and the suppression of individuality by fortuitous circumstances, has assumed its sharpest and most universal form.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 340-341.

2. 为了结束对斯卡尔金观点的评述,我们要补充几句。他反对等级制度,主张一切等级只有一个法庭,“在理论上”同情不分等级的乡政权,热烈拥护国民教育、特别是普遍教育,拥护自治和地方自治机关,拥护广泛的土地信贷、特别是小额信贷,因为农民极其需要购买土地。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984: 394

2. To complete our account of Skaldin’s views, let us add that he is opposed to the system of social estates, advocates a single court of justice for all of them, sympathises “theoretically” with the idea that the volost authorities should not be constituted on the basis of social estates, is an ardent advocate of public education, especially general education, favours local self-government and Zemstvo institutions, and believes that land credits, especially small, should be widely available, for there is a strong desire among the peasants to buy land. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1977: 504.

3. 我们现在不管“达到规定性的普遍性”、“单一性和无限性”(黑格尔的概念)的命运如何。——鲍威尔先生不指出,贯串在施特劳斯关于“公社力量’和关于“传说”的理论中的观点在斯宾诺莎关于实体的观念中有其抽象的表现,有其逻辑形而上学的象形文字;鲍威尔先生不说明这一点,而是强迫“实体抛弃自己的逻辑单纯性并采取公社力量的特定存在形式”他用黑格尔的魔术机来强迫“形而上学的范畴”(从现实中抽出的抽象概念)跳出使它们溶化于纯思想的“简单”因素中的逻辑框子,并采取自然存在或人类存在的“特定形式”,也就是说,强迫它们体现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:174-175

3. Let us leave to their fate “the universality which attains certitude”,the “oneness and infinity” (the Hegelian Notion).—Instead of saying that the view put forward in Strams’ theory on the “power of the community” and “tradition” has its abstract expression, its logical and metaphysical hieroglyphic, in the Spinozist conception of Substance, Herr Bauer makes “Substance emerge from its logical simplicity and assume a definite form of existence in the power of the community”. He applies the Hegelian miracle apparatus by which the “metaphysical categories”—abstractions extracted out of reality—emerge from logic, where they are dissolved in the “simplicity” of thought, and assume “a definite form” of physical or human existence; he makes them become incarnate. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 137.


例句 1:
Universal jurisdiction allows states to claim criminal jurisdiction over specific international crime regardless of where the alleged crime was committed, and regardless of the accused’s nationality, country of residence, or any other relation with the prosecuting entity.

例句 2:
The ethics are generally nature. The morals or rules without universality can't be the ethics. In this meaning, it is really surplus this concept, “universal". We must understand the proposition of every new concept, or be sure to approve, there must be its reason to exist, with its own purpose. However, as for the appearance of the new things, everyone must have his own ideas.

例句 3:
Universal jurisdiction breaks through the restrictions of territoriality, nationality or protective prin





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