

字词 旧唯物主义


old materialism






[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,1972.
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第一卷)[C].人民出版社,1972.
[3] 杨勇兵.旧唯物主义之“旧”与新唯物主义之“新”[J].华北水利水电学院学报(社科版),2009(05).


1. (十)旧唯物主义的立脚点是“市民”社会;新唯物主义的立脚点则是人类社会或社会化了的人类。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1995:5

1. 10. The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or social humanity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 9.

2. 我以为,马克思恩格斯最后定稿的第一章,有两个主要写作任务:其一,批判费尔巴哈这种旧唯物主义背后所隐匿着的隐性唯心主义历史观,同时“清算”自己原先的理论逻辑框架(主要是1843—1844年马克思实现第一次思想转变后的人本主义哲学逻辑),并创立新的哲学视域;其二,在这基础上从理论上系统表述马克思主义哲学的新世界观。这是哲学新视域的理论核心,也是最艰难的逻辑建构过程。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:396

2. I believe that Marx and Engels set two primary goals for themselves in the first chapter of their work: first, to criticize the idealist conception of history that lurked beneath Feuerbach’s old materialism, while at the same time “settling” their own original theoretical logic framework (primarily Marx’s humanist philosophical logic after his first philosophical shift in 1843-1844) and thus establishing a new philosophical vision; second, on this basis, theoretically and systematically express their new Marxist worldview. This was the theoretical crux of their new worldview, and was also the most difficult process of logical construction. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 305.

3. 一是说在景观存在之中,旧唯物主义那种感性直观的表象世界再度得到实现,不过这一次不再是人们通过自己的感观来直面自然对象,而是指人们只能被动消极地面对被制造出来的影像世界,景观则成了社会生活背后真正地支配者;二是说唯心主义的虚幻的能动性在景观之中被具象化了,通过“符号和信号的技术媒介”,景观化身为观念统治的物性化身。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:138

3. First, the realm of the appearance of the old materialism is again realized in the spectacular being, but never to refer to one's direct confrontation with the natural objects through his own senses, but his passive and inactive reception of the world of images manufactured by the spectacles; Second, the activity of idealism is embodied in the spectacle via "technological medium of signs and signals": the spectacle transforming into the materialization itself of the conceptual governance. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 197.


例句 1:
On the basis of critics on the space of Naturalism and Humanism, Marx realizes the fundamental change of thinking mode of the “space” issue, establishing Marx Practical Materialism which views issues (including the “space” issue) based on practice and highlighting great changes of Marx’s “Space of Practice”.

例句 2:
Marx criticized both the old materialism and the idealism by using the concept of practice that emphasized the combination of initiative and passiveness and was a sublation of the struggle between the materialism and the idealism.

例句 3:
The old materialism represented by Feuerbach was objectively a foreshore of Marxist historical materialism, and the maturity of the historical materialism is achieved in the process of surpassing the Old Materialism, the Idealism, and the Empiricism.





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