invisible trade
主要包括两方面内容:(1)由于商品的进出口而发生的一切从属性费用的收支,如运输费、保险费、装卸费、商品加工费、船只修理费等; (2)与商品进出口无关的其他收支,如国际旅游费用、外交人员费用、侨民汇款、使用专利特许权的费用、国外投资汇回的股息和红利、国外贷款的利息收入、公司或个人在国外服务的收支等。这些以劳务或其它非实物形态所发生的外汇收入或支出,不像商品进出口那样显而易见,故称之为无形贸易。以上各项中的收入,称为无形出口;以上各项中的支出,称为无形进口(韩双林,1993:492)。
[1] 刘树成.现代经济词典[Z].凤凰出版社;江苏人民出版社,2005.
[2] 韩双林.证券投资大辞典[Z].黑龙江人民出版社,1993.
[3] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
1. 李斯特指出:“英国所谓的自由贸易,是英国有权在全世界自由地销售它自己的制成品及其殖民地的产品”,其真实结果必然是英国人“能够控制弱小国家的贸易与工业,把它们置于受奴役的地位”。 自由贸易如果脱离了一个国家的具体情况,就是虚假的。所以,他认为经济研究必须着眼于具体国家和地区经济发展的特殊性,其本质只能是针对具体国家的研究,它应关注“某一国家,处于世界目前形势以及它自己的特有国际关系下,怎样来维持并改进它的经济状况”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 297
1. List points out: “The so-called English free trade is the right of the English to freely sell its own manufactures and the products of its colonies throughout the entire world.” The actual result is that the English “are able to control the trade and industry of weaker nations, binding them into slavery.” If free trade is separated from the concrete conditions of particular countries, it will only be false. Therefore, List believes that economics must focus on the particular nature of specific countries and regions; its essence can only be the study of specific countries. “[True political economy] teaches how a given nation in the present state of the world and its own special national relations can maintain and improve its economical conditions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 227.
例句 1:
本文以目前TPP谈判唯一泄露的知识产权草案为切入点,通过与另一知识产权高标准:协议——ACTA的比较,认为TPP谈判标准是目前之最高标准。知识产权高标准代表了发达国家对外贸易的经济利益,美国以胡萝卜加大棒的方式影响国际规则的制定,使得知识产权高标准成为另一种无形的贸易障碍。——“从知识产权协议草案看 TPP 谈判高标准与国际规则制定”,载于《国际商务研究》,2014年第5期
This article focuses on the only leaked version of TPP intellectual property chapter. According to the leaked version, the TPP IP standards would be the highest standards, even in comparison with the other high standard intellectual property agreement-ACTA. High standard reflects developed countries’ interests. The U.S. influences the international rule-making by using the method of carrot and stick, making IP another invisible trade barrier.
例句 2:
This thesis summarizes the present internal and external research on the influence of tourism on regional economy. Based on the basic theory of macroeconomics and the character of tourism, from the angle of invisible trade, the paper puts forward an assessment index system of tourism status in regional economy. Moreover, by means of macro and comparative analysis methods, the author takes Anhui Province tourism as an example, in the form of a case study.
例句 3: