

字词 新时代


new era


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 197.


新时代通常指相对于以往,取得重大突破、重大进展的时代。新时代往往打破了以往时代、旧时代的束缚和禁锢,在思想、科学技术、意识形态等方面取得了长足进步。以俄国十月革命为例,十月革命的胜利开创了人类历史的新纪元,为世界各国无产阶级革命、殖民地和半殖民地的民族解放运动开辟了胜利前进的道路。列宁在《十月革命四周年》一文中就指出:十月革命“开辟了世界历史的新纪元”,“这个伟大的日子离开我们愈远,俄国无产阶级革命的意义就愈明显,我们对自己工作的整个实际经验也就思考得愈深刻”(十月革命开辟了世界历史的新纪元——纪念十月革命胜利90周年.via: http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/49157/49163/6543860.html)


十月革命开辟了世界历史的新纪元——纪念十月革命胜利90周年.via: http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/49157/49163/6543860.html


1. 处于资产阶级社会大工业新时代之中的李嘉图的科学方法论是从斯密的后一种方法论线索萌生出来的,并由此形成了一个古典经济学方法论的新层级:真正的科学抽象的方法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:56

1. Living in a new era of bourgeois society defined by large-scale industry, Ricardo, developed his scientific methodology from Smith’s methodology, which was based on the internal relations within the bourgeois economics system. In doing so, he reached a new methodological level of classical economics: a truly scientifically abstract methodology. -Quoted from 28

2. 在今天这个后现代的复杂学术语境中,齐泽克声称要站在列宁式的“战斗的唯物主义”立场上,反对一切“新时代唯心论”。应该说,这真是一种了不起的理论气派。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:317

2. In today’s comp1ex context of post-modernism, Zizek claims to stand in Lenin’s “fighting materialist” position against all the “New Age spiritualism” which clearly demonstrates his heroic courage. -Quoted from 415

3. 按照杨的解释,女性主义成为马克思主义缺失的内容,因而将会阻止它进入理论成功的新时代;不过,经典马克思主义能否接受阶级斗争对性别劳动分工的隶属完全是另外一个问题。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:202

3. In Young’s interpretation, feminism becomes the missing ingredient to Marxism that would propel it into a new era of theoretical success; although whether classical Marxists can accept the subordination of the class struggle to the gender division of labour is another matter entirely. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 129


例句 1:
自 20世纪 60—70年代以来 ,“新时代运动”经过 30多年的迅猛发展 ,从西欧和北美扩展到全世界 ,形成了反叛现代性的文化寻根大潮。——“西方文化寻根思潮的跨世纪演化——透视‘新时代运动’”,载于《文史哲》2003年第1期
By its rapid development of over 30 years beginning from 1960’-70’. The “New-Era Movement” has spread to the whole world from North Europr and North America and formed a culturally anti-modern root-seekingwave.

例句 2:
With the case study of Central Research Garden designing, Hunan Nonferrous Metal Group, and in view of thematic features of industrial gardens in new era, this article starts analysis from aspects of design theory, design scheming, functional structure, item configuratiom, road and transportation, landscape and environmental protection. With discussion on new trends, theories and methods of specific industrial garden design in new ers, the article intends to bring reference for designing of similar garden scheming.

例句 3:
The New Era in Education is a plural concept and has the meaning of education fro survival, for hum





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