

字词 新兴宗教


new religion


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:702.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 47.






1. 克利盖在结束他那激动人心的冗长的演说时说:“对于不支持这种政党的人们, 完全可以把他们当作人类的敌人。”这种十分过激的词句似乎和“舍己为人的决心”以及对一切人的“爱的宗教”相矛盾。但它确是这种新宗教的完全必然的结论,因为新宗教和别的宗教一样,也极端仇视并迫害自己的敌人。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:15-16

1. Kriege concludes his pompous prating: “Any man who does not support such a party can with justice be treated as an enemy of mankind.” This intolerant sentence appears to be in contradiction to “surrender to all”, and the “religion of love” towards all. It is however a perfectly consistent conclusion of this new religion, which like every other mortally detests and persecutes all its enemies. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 47.

2. 噢,只要他们愿意,他们是能够超出自己的力量去帮助更多的人的!这就是实践方面,这就是新的宗教所宣扬的自卑自贱和自甘堕落的实际表现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:19

2. Of course, if they wished, they could help more than is in their power. That is how it is in practice, that is the real implementation of the self-abasement and degradation which this new religion teaches. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 50.

3. 这位德国哲学家因为自己对基督教的斗争被人遗忘,因为人民对宗教这个唯一值得哲学家注意的对象表示冷淡,所以在这里尽情地抒发了他的怒气。为了给自己被竞争排挤掉的行业恢复过去的名誉,我们的贤者对于旧宗教进行了不断的谩骂以后只好创造新宗教。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:238

3. It voices all the annoyance of the German philosopher over the oblivion into which his struggles against Christianity have fallen, over the people’s indifference towards religion, the only object worthy to be considered by the philosopher. To restore credit to his trade, which has been ousted by competition, all our world-wise man can do is to invent a new religion, after long barking against the old. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 243.


例句 1:
As new phenomenon of contemporary society, new religions mainly reflect the rapid transformation and emotional barrenness of contemporary world. Relations and difference both exist between new religions and traditional religions.

例句 2:
The development of new religions had close connection with the local political power. In early period of Republic of China,the prosperity of some new religions could not be separated with the support of government officials and local powerful gentries and merchants. With the promotion of these officials,these new religions could pass the accreditation of government to get legitimacy. Meanwhile,those new religions were encouraged to establish branches throughout the country. However,once the old government was replaced,such kind of development pattern would be challenged.

例句 3:
Nowadays, with the development of our country’s economy





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